113 HCL users in St. Louis
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John Klingler has 32 from HCL repos:
- terraform-proxmox-k0s (32 ) A collection of modules for building and managing k0s kubernetes clusters on the Proxmox hypervisor.
Brian Marsh has 27 from HCL repos:
- Proxmox-Home-Lab (15 ) Packer, Terraform, and Ansible code to run a three node clustered Proxmox Home Lab
- hashiconf-demo (11 ) (No description)
- terraform-netbox-vm-and-ip (1 ) (No description)
aRustyDev has 16 from HCL repos:
- packer (14 ) A bunch of packer files for creating new autoinstall-able base images from ISOs
- CyberBootCamp-Prep (1 ) A repo for helping to improve different Cyber BootCamps I work on.
- cyber-profile (1 ) My attempt to collect and showcase my knowledge in Cyber. I'm definitely not showing everything though.
Tyler Hatton has 11 from HCL repos:
- f5-warm-pool-demo (5 ) A basic demonstration of using warm pool and lifecycle events to speed up and streamline the scaling of BIG-IP instances in AWS.
- f5-fast-servicenow-demo (2 ) A demonstration of how F5 FAST can be integrated with ServiceNow.
- ansible-student-lab-tf-template (2 ) https://www.wwt.com/lab/ansible-student-vm
Richard Cox has 9 from HCL repos:
- home-cluster (9 ) GitOps principles to define k3s home cluster state via code
Richard Cox has 9 from HCL repos:
- home-cluster (9 ) GitOps principles to define k3s home cluster state via code
Steven Borrelli has 9 from HCL repos:
- azure-tf-modules (9 ) Terraform Azure Modules
- hashicat-azure (0 ) Sample app for Terraform workshops
T.J. Corrigan has 7 from HCL repos:
- tf-pipeline-demo (4 ) (No description)
- terraform-github-actions (3 ) A reference implementation of using GitHub Actions to deploy infrastructure to Azure using Terraform
Asteris has 3 from HCL repos:
- protocol-buffers-arm (2 ) Protocol buffers build for Linux ARM systems
- converge-elk (1 ) converge sample that installs Elasticsearch, Filebeat, and Kibana
- terraform-test (0 ) (No description)
Bruce Harrison has 3 from HCL repos:
- aws-fargate-bastion-cluster (3 ) Terraform templates to deploy HA OpenSSH servers in AWS
- terraform-enterprise-eks (0 ) (No description)
- terraform-modules (0 ) Re-usable terraform modules
Lupus Metallum has 3 from HCL repos:
- terraform-aws-cloudfront-security-headers (2 ) Terraform module to create a Lambda@Edge function to add best practice security headers and support HSTS preload requirements.
- terraform-aws-cloudfront-lambda-redirect (1 ) Redirect domain to another url with a 301 or 302 redirect
- terraform-aws-codebuild-project (0 ) Used to deploy code build projects with all required/optional configuration
RichBrumpton has 3 from HCL repos:
- terraform-aws-rubrik-cloud-cluster (2 ) Terraform module to deploy a new Rubrik Cloud Cluster in AWS
- terraform-azure-rubrik-cloud-cluster (1 ) This Terraform module deploys Rubrik CDM Cloud Cluster or Cloud Cluster ES to Azure for incremental forever, immutable protection of Azure IaaS workloads and applications.
- terraform-vsphere-nested-esxi (0 ) (No description)
Rick Sherman has 3 from HCL repos:
- comvd_2021 (3 ) Cloud Operating Model Virtual Day 2021
- aws_devops_demo (0 ) (No description)
- tfc-workshop (0 ) (No description)
Saint Louis Regional Data Alliance has 3 from HCL repos:
- CKAN-Infrastructure (2 ) Terraform script for setting up a scalable AWS-based CKAN instance.
- Airflow-Platform (1 ) A module for creating an airflow cluster in AWS
- 211Dashboard-Infrastructure (0 ) Creates an S3 bucket and Postgres database for the 211 Dashboard Project
Justin Honold has 2 from HCL repos:
- destalinator-do-tf-an (2 ) Destalinator on DigitalOcean using Terraform and Ansible
BoochTek, LLC has 2 from HCL repos:
- server_config (2 ) Automation for building and configuring our servers
Mike Hellrich has 1 from HCL repos:
- azure-vwan-dmz (1 ) Azure VWAN implementation with DMZs for firewalling from onprem and to the internet.
Brian Hicks has 1 from HCL repos:
- elm-infra (1 ) Upcoming Elm infrastructure
- mantl-base (0 ) (No description)
- hcl-fuzzing (0 ) Fuzzing Hashicorp's HCL
Chris Schuster has 1 from HCL repos:
- terraform-tricks (1 ) (No description)
- aws-infra (0 ) Demo Infrastructure for AWS
Label Insight (Internal) has 1 from HCL repos:
- stack (1 ) A set of Terraform modules for configuring production infrastructure with AWS
Frank Siler has 1 from HCL repos:
- learn-terraform (1 ) (No description)
- grafana-playground (0 ) (No description)
- hashistack-multi-tenant-infrastructure-mockup (0 ) Repository for tracking a demo environment of hashicorp nomad, consul and vault instances deployed to deploy tenants of the same hashistack environment from a single vagrant vm to play with
James Carr has 1 from HCL repos:
- rabbitmq-terraform-demo (1 ) Playing around with the new rabbitmq terraform provider.
Johnathan White has 1 from HCL repos:
- terraform-project (1 ) (No description)
Katie has 1 from HCL repos:
- terraform-builds (1 ) Terraform build projects made by me
Steve Brewer has 1 from HCL repos:
- SE-Demo (1 ) (No description)
- ace-iac-day-zero (0 ) (No description)
- lab (0 ) (No description)
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