113 HCL users in St. Louis

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John Klingler has 32 from HCL repos:
  • terraform-proxmox-k0s (32 ) A collection of modules for building and managing k0s kubernetes clusters on the Proxmox hypervisor.
Brian Marsh has 27 from HCL repos:
aRustyDev has 16 from HCL repos:
  • packer (14 ) A bunch of packer files for creating new autoinstall-able base images from ISOs
  • CyberBootCamp-Prep (1 ) A repo for helping to improve different Cyber BootCamps I work on.
  • cyber-profile (1 ) My attempt to collect and showcase my knowledge in Cyber. I'm definitely not showing everything though.
Tyler Hatton has 11 from HCL repos:
Richard Cox has 9 from HCL repos:
  • home-cluster (9 ) GitOps principles to define k3s home cluster state via code
Richard Cox has 9 from HCL repos:
  • home-cluster (9 ) GitOps principles to define k3s home cluster state via code
Steven Borrelli has 9 from HCL repos:
T.J. Corrigan has 7 from HCL repos:
Asteris has 3 from HCL repos:
Bruce Harrison has 3 from HCL repos:
Lupus Metallum has 3 from HCL repos:
RichBrumpton has 3 from HCL repos:
Rick Sherman has 3 from HCL repos:
Saint Louis Regional Data Alliance has 3 from HCL repos:
Justin Honold has 2 from HCL repos:
BoochTek, LLC has 2 from HCL repos:
  • server_config (2 ) Automation for building and configuring our servers
Mike Hellrich has 1 from HCL repos:
  • azure-vwan-dmz (1 ) Azure VWAN implementation with DMZs for firewalling from onprem and to the internet.
Brian Hicks has 1 from HCL repos:
Chris Schuster has 1 from HCL repos:
Label Insight (Internal) has 1 from HCL repos:
  • stack (1 ) A set of Terraform modules for configuring production infrastructure with AWS
Frank Siler has 1 from HCL repos:
James Carr has 1 from HCL repos:
Johnathan White has 1 from HCL repos:
Katie has 1 from HCL repos:
Steve Brewer has 1 from HCL repos:
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