19 Jinja users in St. Louis
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Jeff Geerling has 15,729 from Jinja repos:
- internet-pi (4,460 ) Raspberry Pi config for all things Internet.
- drupal-vm (1,375 ) A VM for Drupal development
- ansible-role-mysql (1,078 ) Ansible Role - MySQL
WWT has 12 from Jinja repos:
- ansiblefest2021-molecule-cml-demo (12 ) Repository Containing Code Examples from Comprehensive Network Automation Testing with Molecule and Cisco Modeling Labs session presented at Ansiblefest 2021
Dan Card has 10 from Jinja repos:
- homelab (10 ) An overview of my homelab personal project and all the services that I have on my home server!
Andrew Paglusch has 9 from Jinja repos:
- Nebula-Ansible-Role (9 ) Nebula VPN Overlay Network Installer With Ansible
Dustin Specker has 5 from Jinja repos:
- ansible-dotfiles (5 ) I DevOps'd my dotfiles
Adam Zvolanek has 0 from Jinja repos:
- ansible (0 ) (No description)
Michael Bishop has 0 from Jinja repos:
- speakwith (0 ) Slack alternative built with TAMASHA
Aaron Graham has 0 from Jinja repos:
- internet-pi (0 ) Raspberry Pi config for all things Internet.
Contegix LLC has 0 from Jinja repos:
- shorewall-formula (0 ) Saltstack formula for managing shorewall
- salt-unbound-formula (0 ) Install the unbound resolver via saltstack
- openssh-formula (0 ) (No description)
Geoffrey Gallaway has 0 from Jinja repos:
- matrix-docker-ansible-deploy (0 ) Matrix (An open network for secure, decentralized communication) server setup using Ansible and Docker
- ansible-role-unifi-poller (0 ) (No description)
Greg Junge has 0 from Jinja repos:
- ansible-role-rexray (0 ) Ansible Galaxy role for installing REX-Ray
Jenn Nsk has 0 from Jinja repos:
- product-demos_jn (0 ) (No description)
Matt Burchett has 0 from Jinja repos:
- Nebula-Ansible-Role (0 ) Nebula VPN Overlay Network Installer With Ansible
- ansible-role-docker-compose-generator (0 ) An Ansible role which procedurally generates docker-compose.yml files
Michael Madden has 0 from Jinja repos:
- beats-tester (0 ) E2E tests for the Beats
Mike Rhoads has 0 from Jinja repos:
- ansible-role-azure-iot-operations (0 ) an Ansible role to onboard a k3s cluster and deploy Azure IoT Operations
Nick Hogan has 0 from Jinja repos:
- starmedics.com (0 ) (No description)
Peter Abeln has 0 from Jinja repos:
- ansible-role-proxy_settings (0 ) Ansible role for configuring proxy settings for Linux based systems
Paul Downing has 0 from Jinja repos:
- ansible-tutorials (0 ) https://becloudready.com/journey-to-devops-engineer/
William/Kerbo has 0 from Jinja repos:
- my-ansible (0 ) (No description)
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