157 Lua users in St. Louis
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David Lynch has 139 from Lua repos:
- wow-silverdragon (24 ) World of Warcraft addon to find rare mobs
- wow-simpleitemlevel (15 ) World of Warcraft addon to show item levels
- wow-handynotes-dragonflight (7 ) World of Warcraft addon to tell you where treasures are in the Dragon Isles (requires HandyNotes)
James Marlowe has 92 from Lua repos:
- lua-resty-hmac (41 ) Lua driver for making and receiving hmac signed requests
- lua-resty-s3 (38 ) Lua driver for uploading content to amazon s3
- lua-resty-github (5 ) Lua library for using the github api in the ngx_lua nginx module
Kabin Karki has 74 from Lua repos:
- AstroNvim_user (74 ) My personal user config for AstroNvim
Scott Plunkett has 67 from Lua repos:
- interact-sound (65 ) A resource providing the ability to play sounds using the FiveM NUI environment.
- outlawalert (2 ) Detect if player thief a car or if someone use a firegun somewhere.
- fxrest (0 ) FXServer REST API Client
Scott Corio has 25 from Lua repos:
- FS22_PriceWatcher (9 ) (No description)
- FS22_BetterMissions (8 ) (No description)
- FS22_BuildingSnap (7 ) (No description)
NephMakes has 14 from Lua repos:
- NeedToKnow (5 ) Timer bar addon for World of Warcraft
- Nephilist-Nameplates (4 ) Simple, effective nameplates for World of Warcraft
- Engraved (3 ) Stylish class resource display for World of Warcraft
Bryce Mehring has 5 from Lua repos:
- Hexel (5 ) Retro Tower Defense Game
Dan Cleinmark has 5 from Lua repos:
- nodemcu-motion_detector (4 ) Motion detection with the NodeMCU and a HC-SR501 PIR motion sensor
- nodemcu-temperature_sensor (1 ) NodeMCU project to read from a DHT22 and post to ThingSpeak
Matt McCormick has 5 from Lua repos:
- webscript-github-hook (4 ) Continuous deployment to Webscript from GitHub, using Webscript!
- fitbit-scripts (1 ) A collection of Webscripts for interacting with the Fitbit API.
- lua-split (0 ) A split function for Lua
Mark Volkmann has 5 from Lua repos:
- glove (3 ) Widget library for LÖVE (love2d) which is a framework for building 2D games in Lua
- autorun.nvim (2 ) (No description)
- todo-quickfix.nvim (0 ) (No description)
Dave Hayes has 4 from Lua repos:
- dotfiles (4 ) (No description)
- mpv-config (0 ) Personal mpv configuration files and scripts (for syncing my computers). Most likely not useful to others. Maybe as an inspiration.
Kyle McCarthy has 4 from Lua repos:
- nvim-dotfiles (4 ) (No description)
- onedark.nvim (0 ) One Dark Theme for Neovim >= 0.5.0 written in lua based on Atom's One Dark UI Theme. Additionally, it comes with 5 color variant styles
- dotfiles (0 ) (No description)
Andrew Williams has 3 from Lua repos:
- dot (3 ) My dot files
Brian Donaldson has 3 from Lua repos:
- Gratwurst (3 ) A delicious automatic congratulations messaging addon for World of Warcraft.
- DynamicFlightHUD (0 ) An inflight heads up display addon for Dynamic Flying in World of Warcraft.
KrisCris has 3 from Lua repos:
- MHRise_Scripts (3 ) Some random scripts (cheats?)
Mike McBride has 3 from Lua repos:
- dotvim (2 ) my .vim files
- telescope-mru.nvim (1 ) Project-wide recent file picker for Telescope
- gruvbox-material.nvim (0 ) Lua port of gruvbox-material
Boris Pallares has 2 from Lua repos:
Dave Lee has 2 from Lua repos:
- Firefall-Addon-XP_Test (2 ) Quick and Dirty UI Addon for Firefall (Beta) that adds a text display of the player's current XP and amount still needed to level
- Stardust (0 ) A Highly Customized SWGEmu Server
Devin has 2 from Lua repos:
- sfdeez.nvim (2 ) A SFDX CLI wrapper for neovim
- dotfiles (0 ) (No description)
- nvim-config (0 ) (No description)
G Roques has 2 from Lua repos:
- neovim-configuration (2 ) Personal Neovim configuration.
Evan Cobb has 2 from Lua repos:
- broker-dungeon-difficulty (2 ) A WoW addon to allow easily switching dungeon and raid difficulties from a Broker display addon
- CharacterNotes (0 ) WoW addon to manage notes on characters.
- ChocolateBar (0 ) ChocolateBar is a World of Warcraft addons to display plugins in a bar on top or bottom of your screen
Adam Coffman has 1 from Lua repos:
- dotfiles (1 ) vim/tmux/alacritty/mac config
Brian Thompson has 1 from Lua repos:
- dotfiles (1 ) Collection of my dotfiles, redacted where necessary
Ceferino Patino has 1 from Lua repos:
- neovim (1 ) (No description)
Drew Wetherington has 1 from Lua repos:
- agwrnd (1 ) agwrnd
- HAC (0 ) Honor And Chaos
- SaveThaisServ (0 ) SaveThais76 open tibia server & client
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