
139 Perl users in St. Louis

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Li Ding's Lab has 165 from Perl repos:
  • MuSiC2 (60 ) identifying mutational significance in cancer genomes
  • hotspot3d (46 ) 3D hotspot mutation proximity analysis tool
  • somaticwrapper (15 ) Detect somatic variants from tumor and normal WGS/WXS data
The McDonnell Genome Institute has 162 from Perl repos:
  • gms (78 ) The Genome Modeling System installer
  • genome (64 ) Core modules used by the GMS
  • fpfilter-tool (7 ) (No description)
Liron Ganel has 28 from Perl repos:
  • SVScore (28 ) Prioritize structural variants based on CADD scores
Carrington Lab has 27 from Perl repos:
  • TargetFinder (26 ) Plant small RNA target prediction tool
  • srtools (1 ) Small RNA Tools
  • p-sams (0 ) The Plant Small RNA Maker Suite
The McDonnell Genome Institute has 24 from Perl repos:
  • ensembl (2 ) Unofficial repo for software vendoring or packaging purposes
  • AnyEvent-SNMP (1 ) Unofficial repo for software vendoring or packaging purposes
  • bioperl-db (1 ) Unofficial repo for software vendoring or packaging purposes
Dustin L. Howett has 16 from Perl repos:
  • logos (10 ) Logos!
  • syntel (5 ) syntax elements; reverse AST
  • sanoid (1 ) Policy-driven snapshot management and replication tools. Currently using ZFS for underlying next-gen storage, with explicit plans to support btrfs when btrfs becomes more reliable. Primarily intended for Linux, but BSD use is supported and reasonably frequently tested.
stefanadams has 13 from Perl repos:
  • jp (8 ) (No description)
  • Mojo-Sendgrid (2 ) An implementation of the Sendgrid API for the Mojolicious framework
  • r-drive (1 ) Create a faculty/student class repository
Chris Miller has 11 from Perl repos:
  • rtm-cli (9 ) A command-line Remember the Milk client written in perl
  • bioinfoSnippets (2 ) Short snippets of code useful for bioinformatics and genomics
  • docker-cle (0 ) Docker containerization for the CLE
Jeff Heaton has 11 from Perl repos:
  • proben1 (11 ) A copy of the datasets for PROBEN1 from the paper "Proben1: A Set of Neural Network Benchmark Problems and Benchmarking Rules", Lutz Prechelt
Kaushik Panda has 8 from Perl repos:
  • AthalianaTETranscripts (8 ) Arabidopsis thaliana TE transcript-based annotation added on top of TAIR10 annotation
  • PFB2012 (0 ) Code and samples from lecture and review sessions
Katie has 8 from Perl repos:
  • kittykatt-configs (7 ) KittyKatt's configs and dotfiles.
  • sIRC-Oper-Filter (1 ) IRC-Op (snotices) filter and parser for the Inspire IRCd. Originally built for SilverIRC IRCO-Ops.
Object Computing, Inc. has 8 from Perl repos:
  • MPC (8 ) MPC (The Makefile, Project, and Workspace Creator)
Greg Volk has 7 from Perl repos:
  • snort2graphite (6 ) Read, parse, and send the contents of snort.stats to a Graphite server
  • 14all.cgi (1 ) 14all.cgi front end for MRTG in RRDtool mode
  • nsifstat (0 ) Telegraf exec script that collects detailed interface metrics from a NetScout probe
Anthony Brummett has 6 from Perl repos:
lembark has 6 from Perl repos:
  • W-curve (6 ) Publically available code for W-curve generationa nd analysis
  • Plack (0 ) PSGI toolkit and server adapters
  • Selenium-Remote-Driver (0 ) Perl Bindings to the Selenium Webdriver server
Chang Liu has 5 from Perl repos:
James Marlowe has 5 from Perl repos:
David Lynch has 5 from Perl repos:
David Morton has 4 from Perl repos:
  • daves_repl (4 ) A repl.rc and related perl modules to give "ls" support
  • procera (0 ) (No description)
  • rex (0 ) Provide access to various genome services such as procera, amber, and others.
Brian Oehl has 4 from Perl repos:
  • Rubble (2 ) Rubble game
  • Quasar (2 ) Quasar Cannon optimizater
Jeff Geerling has 4 from Perl repos:
  • munin-php-apc (4 ) Munin plugin for monitoring PHP APC (Alternative PHP Cache). Forked from Google Code.
Matt Follett has 4 from Perl repos:
  • perl6book (1 ) A book with useful Perl 6
  • web (1 ) A Perl 6 web framework
  • proto (1 ) A a hyper-lightweight dependency tracking and project installation system
Jason Murray has 3 from Perl repos:
Jesse J. Cook has 3 from Perl repos:
Fugina Hackery has 3 from Perl repos:
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