679 C users in St. Louis

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Dustin L. Howett has 366 from C repos:
Ira Hall lab has 307 from C repos:
  • speedseq (307 ) A flexible framework for rapid genome analysis and interpretation
  • lumpy-sv (0 ) lumpy: a general probabilistic framework for structural variant discovery
  • soup (0 ) Catch-all for uncategorized or project-specific scripts 🍵
Har-Kuun has 295 from C repos:
  • DomainMegaBot (295 ) A domain name bulk search bot with support of over 200 top-level domains.
  • TCSPC_DataProcessor (0 ) Automatically process data from Becker-Hickl TCSPC instrument
  • GI-4-Stone-Decoder (0 ) Automatically solving the 4-stone lighting puzzle in the Inazuma region in Genshin Impact
Mike Steinert has 218 from C repos:
  • bstring (134 ) A fork of Paul Hsieh's Better String Library
  • cairo (26 ) A 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices
  • libtask (24 ) Write event-driven programs without the hassle of events!
Andrew Dillon has 189 from C repos:
M Joshua Ryan has 136 from C repos:
  • xpost (93 ) A PostScript interpreter in C
  • inca (29 ) an APL-style array calculator/interpreter in C based on the J-incunabulum, extended to allow propagating specifications a+2+a<3, more functions and operators.
  • sexp.c (7 ) A very primitive LISP interpreter
Zhihao Yuan has 127 from C repos:
  • nvi2 (98 ) A multibyte fork of the nvi editor for BSD
  • wavplay (19 ) A C library to play wave audio files
  • sfio (10 ) The Sfio library from AT&T Labs (mirror with limited history)
Michael J. Schultz has 121 from C repos:
  • py-radix (118 ) Python radix tree implementation for IPv4 and IPv6 prefix matching.
  • u-boot-pi (2 ) u-boot port for Raspberry Pi
  • PNA (1 ) (No description)
Jeff Heaton has 112 from C repos:
  • encog-c (112 ) The Encog project for C/C++
Will Donnelly has 93 from C repos:
  • pirate-swd (89 ) An implementation of the SWD protocol using the Bus Pirate
  • bashbuild (3 ) A minimalist build system implemented entirely in its configure file.
  • shsel (1 ) runtime selection of unix shells
Stephen F. Booth has 79 from C repos:
  • AudioFrameworks (57 ) macOS builds of various open-source audio libraries
  • ccl (8 ) Customizable Configuration Library
  • FLACImporter (7 ) A Spotlight importer for FLAC
Peter Sussman has 75 from C repos:
  • e (75 ) the minimalistest text editor
Steven Stallion has 61 from C repos:
  • go-hid (52 ) An idiomatic Go interface to HIDAPI, a simple library for communicating with USB and Bluetooth HID devices
  • pidp11 (5 ) PiDP-11 I/O Expander Software
  • usb-eeprom (4 ) 28Cxxx EEPROM Programmer
The McDonnell Genome Institute has 58 from C repos:
  • somatic-sniper (40 ) A tool to call somatic single nucleotide variants.
  • ibwa (13 ) iBWA is a fork of Heng Li's BWA aligner with support for iteratively adding alternate haplotypes, reference patches, and variant hypotheses.
  • fqgrep (3 ) An approximate sequence pattern matcher for FASTQ/FASTA files.
Mark Schisler has 52 from C repos:
Jonah has 49 from C repos:
  • littlexml (26 ) A very quick and dirty XML library in C
  • staple-vm (17 ) Yet another VM language
  • elfdis (3 ) A Disassembler for the ELF binary
Terence Darwen has 48 from C repos:
  • STM32 (48 ) A repo for my various STM32 ARM Cortex Microcontroller projects.
  • nRF5 (0 ) Nordic nRF5 Projects
  • Misc (0 ) (No description)
Jabasukuriputo Wang has 39 from C repos:
The McDonnell Genome Institute has 35 from C repos:
  • bsmap (19 ) Unofficial repo for software vendoring or packaging purposes
  • tophat (2 ) Unofficial repo for software vendoring or packaging purposes
  • FLASH (2 ) Unofficial repo for software vendoring or packaging purposes
Alessandro Sangiorgi has 32 from C repos:
  • ip-neigh-sdk30 (31 ) Ip neigh for android using android NDK. Avoiding restriction of bind socket on Android apps targeting sdk 30
  • aircrack-ng (1 ) WiFi security auditing tools suite
  • linux (0 ) Linux kernel source tree
Peter Gebhard has 32 from C repos:
Jeff Geerling has 31 from C repos:
  • uvc-gadget (16 ) uvc-gadget fork to make the Pi work as a webcam
  • linux (15 ) Kernel source tree for Raspberry Pi Foundation-provided kernel builds. Issues unrelated to the linux kernel should be posted on the community forum at https://www.raspberrypi.org/forum
William Grim has 29 from C repos:
  • libballistics (28 ) Ballistics Library
  • avr (1 ) Code related to Atmel's AVR architecture, including the 3rd party Arduino product..
  • android-cmake (0 ) CMake scripts and patches for libraries using CMake and the Android NDK
Rebecca Skinner has 24 from C repos:
  • packetlogger (8 ) simple packet logger with netfilter queue
  • example-service (4 ) A basic example of a systemd service that logs events
  • libpbm (3 ) Simple Library for Importing/Exporting NetPBM Images
Conan has 20 from C repos:
  • fractals (5 ) A program that generates the various fractals using mouse position as parameter in complex plane
  • ants (4 ) This program takes a graph (rooms with un-directed connections) and computes the most efficient way to move N ants from source node to sink node, outputs an animated movement of the ants
  • corewar (3 ) A reproduction of the Core War game. Including full implementation of assembly compiler, virtual machine and GUI.
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