Emacs Lisp

42 Emacs Lisp users in St. Louis

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Charles Comstock has 107 from Emacs Lisp repos:
Avdi Grimm has 85 from Emacs Lisp repos:
  • .emacs24.d (46 ) A from-scratch rebuild of my Emacs configuration
  • org-rtm (19 ) Emacs org-mode/Remember the Milk Integration
  • .emacs.d (9 ) My emacs config, based on Prelude
Austin F. Frank has 7 from Emacs Lisp repos:
  • epom (7 ) An implementation of the Pomodoro time manangement system in emacs
Shawn Presser has 7 from Emacs Lisp repos:
  • arcmacs (4 ) Arc and Scheme for Emacs Lisp
  • y (3 ) A Lisp for Emacs Lisp
  • lin (0 ) Indentation and highlighting for various Lisps
Brian Hicks has 3 from Emacs Lisp repos:
  • spacemin (3 ) a ground-up .emacs.d with stolen Spacemacs stuff I like, developed at my own pace, and customized for me.
  • emacs-themes (0 ) emacs themes
  • spacemacs (0 ) Emacs advanced Kit focused on Evil: The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, it's Emacs *and* Vim!
Rebecca Skinner has 3 from Emacs Lisp repos:
Michael Spencer has 2 from Emacs Lisp repos:
  • dotemacs (2 ) :wrench: Personal emacs configuration
Jeff Sigmon has 2 from Emacs Lisp repos:
  • dotfiles (1 ) (No description)
  • el-get (1 ) Manage the external elisp bits and pieces upon which you depend!
  • prelude (0 ) Prelude is an enhanced Emacs 24 configuration that should make your experience with Emacs both more pleasant and more powerful.
George Essig has 1 from Emacs Lisp repos:
  • reason-mode (1 ) Emacs major mode for working with ReasonML
  • clojure-mode (0 ) Emacs support for the Clojure(Script) programming language
  • base16-emacs (0 ) Base16 themes for Emacs
The TwilightBlood has 1 from Emacs Lisp repos:
  • Neon-Blood (1 ) A simple colorscheme for everything
Michael Bradley has 1 from Emacs Lisp repos:
  • prelude (1 ) Prelude is an enhanced Emacs 24 configuration that should make your experience with Emacs both more pleasant and more powerful.
  • mu4e-maildirs-extension (0 ) Show mu4e maildirs summary in mu4e-main-view
  • clojure-mode (0 ) Emacs support for the Clojure language
Sean Hellebusch has 1 from Emacs Lisp repos:
Scott Bale has 1 from Emacs Lisp repos:
Jeremy Seago has 1 from Emacs Lisp repos:
  • dotfiles (1 ) Repository of configuration files and deployment scripts. Encrypted files are automatically decrypted and deployed.
Spencer King has 1 from Emacs Lisp repos:
Alex Holehouse has 0 from Emacs Lisp repos:
Craig Buchek has 0 from Emacs Lisp repos:
  • prelude (0 ) Prelude is an enhanced Emacs 24 distribution that should make your experience with Emacs both more pleasant and more powerful.
  • ido-ubiquitous (0 ) Fancy completion all over Emacs, not just for buffers and files.
Benjamin Zalasky has 0 from Emacs Lisp repos:
  • rjsx-mode (0 ) A JSX major mode for Emacs
  • js2-mode (0 ) Improved JavaScript editing mode for GNU Emacs
Dane Johnson has 0 from Emacs Lisp repos:
  • web-mode (0 ) web template editing mode for emacs
  • company-mode (0 ) Modular in-buffer completion framework for Emacs
  • tla-mode (0 ) TLA-mode for EMACS (with my modifications)
Daniel Errante has 0 from Emacs Lisp repos:
David Welch has 0 from Emacs Lisp repos:
  • emacs_config (0 ) My Emacs configuration (Python, NodeJS, OpenAPI, etc.)
William Grim has 0 from Emacs Lisp repos:
  • emacs-conf (0 ) Random emacs configuration stuff. I'm not a pro at lisp, and a lot of it is glued together from things I found online.
gyucheonheo has 0 from Emacs Lisp repos:
Darren Hale has 0 from Emacs Lisp repos:
Ethan Heckart has 0 from Emacs Lisp repos:
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