
150 Kotlin users in St. Louis

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Drew Hamilton has 422 from Kotlin repos:
  • Poko (348 ) A Kotlin compiler plugin that generates equals, hashCode, and toString for plain old Kotlin objects in public APIs.
  • InlineDimens (55 ) Android dimension types as inline classes with easy conversions.
  • AndroidDateTimeFormatters (8 ) java.time and ThreeTenBP DateTimeFormatters for Android.
Mitchell Skaggs has 98 from Kotlin repos:
Ben Oberkfell has 43 from Kotlin repos:
Mark Heckler has 30 from Kotlin repos:
  • drinking-from-the-stream-kotlin (7 ) Spring Cloud Stream (Kotlin) projects to accompany my session titled Drinking from the Stream
  • game-of-streams-kotlin (4 ) Meta repository to accompany my session "Game of Streams: How to tame & get the most from your messaging platforms" (Kotlin edition!)
  • brp-source-kotlin (3 ) Building reactive pipelines with Kotlin! (Source repo)
Paul Hawke has 27 from Kotlin repos:
  • kotlin-state-machine (17 ) A multiplatform state machine with clean Kotlin DSL
  • KermitExt (9 ) Kermit Logger Extensions
  • auto-dagger2 (1 ) Annotation processor on top of Dagger 2 that generates components for you.
Thomas Nelson has 13 from Kotlin repos:
Emmett Wilson has 12 from Kotlin repos:
  • AppTerminator (12 ) An app designed to allow android developers to kill their app in the background in order to test how their application recovers from process death.
  • GitFinder (0 ) An example app for searching github content
  • kotlin-koans (0 ) Kotlin workshop
Michael Spencer has 8 from Kotlin repos:
Christopher Cruzen has 7 from Kotlin repos:
  • CrystalNote (7 ) An aggressively minimalist, highly customizable notes app for Android.
Adam Hilton has 6 from Kotlin repos:
WWT has 6 from Kotlin repos:
Tom Hermann has 5 from Kotlin repos:
Coolfire has 4 from Kotlin repos:
Joe Frazier has 3 from Kotlin repos:
Lightning 1444 has 3 from Kotlin repos:
Vivek Vishwanath has 3 from Kotlin repos:
W. Michael Shirk has 3 from Kotlin repos:
crazywendy has 3 from Kotlin repos:
Andrew Leininger has 2 from Kotlin repos:
  • game-of-the-year (2 ) Frontend and Backend for TMW discord's yearly Game of the Year vote
Mingyuan Shen has 2 from Kotlin repos:
  • Balckjack-AndroidGame (1 ) An Android online Blackjack game with Leaderboard
  • ChatNearby-AndroidApp (1 ) An Android online chat App based on Firebase online realtime database, can find the users near by based on GPS localization information. After add them to contacts you are free to chat!
  • CalorieCalculator-AndroidApp (0 ) A basic calorie calculator Android App, developed with Kotlin.
Eric Haag has 2 from Kotlin repos:
Quanze Wang has 2 from Kotlin repos:
adwzq4 has 1 from Kotlin repos:
Daniel Janis has 1 from Kotlin repos:
  • Android-SimonSays-App (1 ) This is an Android Game that I developed to replicate the popular "Simon Says" game.
  • Android-Shopping-App (0 ) This is an Android Application I designed to allow the user to create shopping lists and to store these lists locally within the app.
Evie has 1 from Kotlin repos:
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