
122 Scala users in St. Louis

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Jessica Kerr has 34 from Scala repos:
  • scalacheck-prisoners-dilemma (16 ) Examples for "Property Based Testing for Better Code"
  • bison (11 ) When Code Reacts to Data: demonstrating a dataflow programming style with scalaz-streams
  • bittygame (3 ) Sample program for workshop on property-based testing
Scott Kruger has 28 from Scala repos:
  • spark-lineage (28 ) Spark SQL listener to record lineage information
  • kinesis-sql (0 ) Kinesis Connector for Structured Streaming
Tim Dalton has 21 from Scala repos:
  • scala-yaml (20 ) An experimental YAML parser in Scala using parser combinators
  • scala-logo (1 ) A Logo interpreter using Scala parser combinators with a GUI interface for editing and execution
  • coderover (0 ) Game involving using a simple programming language to guide a robot around a grid to accomplish various tasks.
James Carr has 8 from Scala repos:
Kit Menke has 7 from Scala repos:
Tae-Hyuk Ahn, Ph.D. has 5 from Scala repos:
  • SORA (5 ) Scalable Overlap-Graph Reduction Algorithms for Genome Assembly using Apache Spark on Cloud
Joe Pritzel has 5 from Scala repos:
  • RSC-Emulator (3 ) This is an emulator for RSC (an old MMO).
  • Npc-Creator (1 ) Used for visually creating Npcs.
  • MD5-Checksum (1 ) Generates a MD5 Checksum for all the files in a directory.
Jianshu Wang has 5 from Scala repos:
Chris Shafer has 4 from Scala repos:
Jason Clark has 2 from Scala repos:
  • parboiled-lucene (2 ) A simple "classic" Lucene query parser built with the Parboiled2 library
  • sql-parser (0 ) A SQL parser - experimenting with parboiled2
  • hshell (0 ) A shell-like environment for working with HDFS
Ken Sipe has 2 from Scala repos:
  • zk-util (2 ) zookeeper utility using ammonite
  • chaos (0 ) A lightweight framework for writing REST services in Scala.
  • chronos (0 ) Fault tolerant job scheduler for Mesos which handles dependencies and ISO8601 based schedules
Nick Rafferty has 2 from Scala repos:
realAngryAnalytics has 2 from Scala repos:
1904labs has 1 from Scala repos:
Asteris has 1 from Scala repos:
  • kafka (1 ) (No description)
Robert Swyers has 1 from Scala repos:
Branson Fox has 1 from Scala repos:
  • mosaic (1 ) An extension to the Apache Spark framework that allows easy and fast processing of very large geospatial datasets.
Gyde Lund has 1 from Scala repos:
Mitchell Skaggs has 1 from Scala repos:
Mason Lazalier Edmison has 1 from Scala repos:
Nick Landreville has 1 from Scala repos:
Samuel Holloway has 1 from Scala repos:
  • graph-engine (1 ) A marriage of Websockets, embedded Neo4J, Scala and Akka Streams...
Chris Taylor has 1 from Scala repos:
  • akka_pools (1 ) Exploring of akka remote modules with a focus on simplifying the job of achieving pools of distributed akka workers
  • scalapara (0 ) A framework for building a nested set CmdLineApps and parsing their arguments
  • fp-recipes (0 ) Random collection of functional programming exercises and recipes.
Tim Vollmer has 1 from Scala repos:
  • akka (1 ) Akka Project
  • bar (0 ) Scala Hello World
Adam Arras has 0 from Scala repos:
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