
58 Svelte users in St. Louis

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Butterscotch Shenanigans has 22 from Svelte repos:
  • steam-gifs (22 ) Generate Steam Store page-compatible GIFs from source videos
  • redirect (0 ) A simple, privacy-first URL/URI redirection service, including support for custom schemes/protocols for deep links.
Gavin Rehkemper has 22 from Svelte repos:
Mark Volkmann has 18 from Svelte repos:
Gavin Rehkemper has 17 from Svelte repos:
Travis Horn has 8 from Svelte repos:
  • ollapa (5 ) An Ollama client built with Svelte 5 and SvelteKit. Chat completely local and client-side with a friendly interface!
  • heroicons-svelte (3 ) Beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, by the makers of Tailwind CSS, packaged for Svelte.
  • my-favorite-fonts (0 ) A gallery of some of my favorite fonts from Fontsource.
Elliot Voris has 4 from Svelte repos:
Michael Spencer has 3 from Svelte repos:
  • gty-daily-audio-bible (3 ) Daily Audio Bible using the GTY Daily Bible Devotional and the ESV audio bible
John Ottenlips Franke has 2 from Svelte repos:
  • stack-dice (2 ) ๐ŸŽฒ Not sure what to build for Hacktoberfest? Check out Stack Dice, the random app idea generator.
stldevs has 2 from Svelte repos:
Jack Keller has 1 from Svelte repos:
Jim Medlock has 1 from Svelte repos:
Kris Fragata has 1 from Svelte repos:
Malachi Willey has 1 from Svelte repos:
  • phyloquiz (1 ) Generate quizzes from any category of life.
Matt James has 1 from Svelte repos:
Anthony Buchholz has 1 from Svelte repos:
Aditya Karnam has 0 from Svelte repos:
  • coolify (0 ) An open-source & self-hostable Heroku / Netlify alternative.
Alexander Wang has 0 from Svelte repos:
Walter Jenkins has 0 from Svelte repos:
  • daisyui (0 ) ๐ŸŒผ ๐ŸŒผ ๐ŸŒผ ๐ŸŒผ ๐ŸŒผ โ€ƒThe most popular, free and open-source Tailwind CSS component library
Bryan "Max" Dobberstein has 0 from Svelte repos:
Cole Schnell has 0 from Svelte repos:
Colin Kautz has 0 from Svelte repos:
  • treeshaker (0 ) shaking the trees, watch out for bees!
crowdozer has 0 from Svelte repos:
Will Irmler has 0 from Svelte repos:
David Leppik has 0 from Svelte repos:
  • scotus (0 ) (No description)
  • photo-hunt (0 ) A simple camera-based scavenger hunt in Rochester, MN
Paul Spears has 0 from Svelte repos:
  • uno (0 ) (No description)
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