184 Vue users in St. Louis
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Two Beards has 209 from Vue repos:
- box-shadows (109 ) Explore CSS Box Shadows
- flexbox-playground (100 ) A resource for visually understanding flexbox
- gridsome-tailwind-starter (0 ) A starter template for Gridsome sites using Tailwind
Travis Horn has 99 from Vue repos:
- vue-online-store-demo (56 ) An online store and shopping cart demo written with Vue.js
- photo-gallery (24 ) Grid-based photo gallery with lightbox using Vue.
- diabetes-food-database (13 ) Food information for people with diabetes.
Victorio Berra has 80 from Vue repos:
- trianglify-desktop-wallpaper (49 ) Generate pleasing triangular wallpapers, and set them to change on a schedule.
- patch-me (31 ) A GUI for services like https://patchbay.pub/
- vue-cli-build-git-issue (0 ) (No description)
Gavin Rehkemper has 38 from Vue repos:
- arcgis-json-to-geojson (38 ) ArcGIS JSON to GeoJSON
John Pickett has 27 from Vue repos:
- vue-recipes (27 ) Drag and Drop Recipe Menu Plan using Vue.js, Vuetify, and Vue.Draggable
- connection-manager (0 ) (No description)
- flash-cards (0 ) (No description)
OCI Labs - Object Computing, Inc. has 10 from Vue repos:
- rapid-stack (10 ) (No description)
Justin Wash has 6 from Vue repos:
- client-side-vue (6 ) Vue.js client-side for tiny, quick-loading, node.js-less Single Page Apps.
- justinwash-dev (0 ) My portfolio site, made with Vue.js
Anthony Parrett has 4 from Vue repos:
- poker-ui-deprecated (4 ) An app where you can play Texas Hold'em poker with your friends.
- nasa-images-ui (0 ) Learning Vue with a simple app that displays NASA images.
Christopher Schmitz has 3 from Vue repos:
- matching-game (2 ) A simple matching game
- vue-in-depth-already-baked (1 ) This is a pre-build of the vue project I'm going to live code (at least partially) during the Full Stack Web Development Meetup session on vuejs in depth.
- vue-2-to-do (0 ) Yet another vue.js to do list ;P
Cory Rylan has 3 from Vue repos:
- web-components-in-vue (3 ) Example showing how to use a web component in VueJS
David Leininger has 3 from Vue repos:
- netlify-dashboard (1 ) Dashboard for Netlify Site Deploy Status - Using Gridsome
- leininger.tech-gridsome (1 ) My personal website
- gridsome-netlifycms-starter (1 ) Gridsome Starter for Netlify CMS
Mike McBride has 3 from Vue repos:
- vercel-vite-vue-starter (2 ) A template for scaffolding a Vue UI and Node API using Vite that can be deployed to Vercel
- accessible-colors (1 ) Another color accessibility checker. Because there aren't enough of these apparently...
- snap-words (0 ) Web app for helping my kids practice their reading snap words
OSMoSE has 3 from Vue repos:
- osmose-client (3 ) A simple marketing email client.
Peiqi Gao has 3 from Vue repos:
- Awesome_book_management (3 ) (No description)
Matthew Schroeter has 3 from Vue repos:
- bookmarky (3 ) Browser extension to manage tabs
Zachary Klein has 3 from Vue repos:
- micronaut-spa-webinar (3 ) (No description)
Kumar Challa has 2 from Vue repos:
- Nowify (2 ) A Spotify 'Now Playing' screen designed for Raspberry Pi
Colby has 2 from Vue repos:
- blogologna (2 ) 🥪
Ren-Huai Huang has 2 from Vue repos:
- vuetifyjs.com (1 ) Vuetifyjs.com documentation
- VueNodeTutorial (1 ) VueJS Nodejs Tutorial walks through creating a Node.js, MongoDB, Express, and front-end framework (Vue.js) application. Client side code is bundled with Webpack. It is also called VueJS NodeJS Express Tutorial or Vue Express Example Tutorial. For more information please visit this URL:
Jan-Robert (Juni) Yeaton has 2 from Vue repos:
- joeltax (2 ) CS Capstone 2 Project at Missouri S&T
- tejtunes2300 (0 ) CS 2300 Project for Missouri S&T
Jeff Prehm has 2 from Vue repos:
- laravel-vue-material-kit (2 ) Laravel Vue Material Kit - Open Source Material Design UI Kit
AlexAndrei98 has 1 from Vue repos:
- VolunteerU (1 ) Web application using Vue.js as front-end, Firebase as backend, and the EventBrite API, in order to connect YOU with the volunteering opportunities that would best fit your interests. Checkout the deployed version:
Brandi Quintos has 1 from Vue repos:
Bryce Stabenow has 1 from Vue repos:
- lofi-lift (1 ) A minimalist workout tracker - serverless backened with Nuxt and Supabase
- new-portfolio-site (0 ) (No description)
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