29 Julia users in St. Louis
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Tim Holy has 3,680 from Julia repos:
- Revise.jl (1,227 ) Automatically update function definitions in a running Julia session
- ProgressMeter.jl (717 ) Progress meter for long-running computations
- ProfileView.jl (360 ) Visualization of Julia profiling data
Holy Lab has 121 from Julia repos:
- HolyLabRegistry (17 ) Julia package registry for the Holy lab at Washington University in St. Louis
- RegisterQD.jl (14 ) Image registration with the QuadDIRECT optimization algorithm
- FlyThroughPaths.jl (11 ) Create "fly-throughs" in 3d visualization
Haojia Wu has 17 from Julia repos:
- CellScopes.jl (17 ) A Julia package for single cell and spatial data analysis
The Wexler Group has 4 from Julia repos:
- FreeBird.jl (4 ) Free energy calculators by Bayesian-inspired nested sampling and other integration techniques
Charlie G has 1 from Julia repos:
- SLU-TextMining (1 ) (No description)
Kevin Damazyn has 1 from Julia repos:
- TextMining.jl (1 ) (No description)
Spencer King has 1 from Julia repos:
- Qiskit.jl (1 ) A Julia wrapper around IBM's Qiskit Python library
- advent-of-code-2020 (0 ) (No description)
Binxu has 0 from Julia repos:
- ImagineWorker.jl (0 ) Worker thread module for the (WIP) Julia version of Imagine
- ANTsRegistration.jl (0 ) Convenience wrapper for image registration using the Advanced Normalization Tools
- Imagine.jl (0 ) Work-in-progress translation of Imagine to Julia
Alex Panchot has 0 from Julia repos:
- Compression.jl (0 ) (No description)
- MICE.jl (0 ) Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations
- masters_thesis (0 ) (No description)
Alex Templeton has 0 from Julia repos:
- learning_julia (0 ) (No description)
Ben Acland has 0 from Julia repos:
- Blink.jl (0 ) Web-based GUIs for Julia
- JLD2.jl (0 ) HDF5-compatible file format in pure Julia
- GoogleCloud.jl (0 ) Google Cloud APIs for Julia
Brian Tipton has 0 from Julia repos:
- LatexParser.jl (0 ) (No description)
Jiaxin (Cindy) Tu has 0 from Julia repos:
- DemoPackageSSD.jl (0 ) (No description)
- DemoPackageCT.jl (0 ) demo julia package for nanocourse
Dennis Goldfarb has 0 from Julia repos:
- Pioneer.jl (0 ) (No description)
Ryan McNeely has 0 from Julia repos:
- SLU-TextMining (0 ) (No description)
Quinten has 0 from Julia repos:
- finiteDifferenceSolver (0 ) A simple implementation of a finite difference method to solve the 2D heat equation
Chunxu Guo has 0 from Julia repos:
- NNlib.jl (0 ) Neural Network primitives with multiple backends
Hanyang Liu has 0 from Julia repos:
- AutoEnvs (0 ) julia package for ngsim_env
- AutomotiveDrivingModels.jl (0 ) Driving simulation architecture for Julia
Jared Forsyth has 0 from Julia repos:
- IJulia.jl (0 ) Julia kernel and magics for IPython
- Gadfly.jl (0 ) Crafty statistical graphics for Julia.
- Compose.jl (0 ) Declarative vector graphics
Joe Meilinger has 0 from Julia repos:
- julia (0 ) The Julia Language: A fresh approach to technical computing.
Mark Tabor has 0 from Julia repos:
- DataStructures.jl (0 ) Julia implementation of Data structures
- TextAnalysis.jl (0 ) Julia package for text analysis
Nick Landreville has 0 from Julia repos:
- Iris_Julia (0 ) Iris dataset using julia
Stefan Pabst has 0 from Julia repos:
- quantum-network-reliability (0 ) Repo with
pcmaaaaa has 0 from Julia repos:
- DemoPackagePM.jl (0 ) (No description)
Qian Zhang has 0 from Julia repos:
- Performance2.jl (0 ) (No description)
- Performance.jl. (0 ) (No description)
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