905 Shell users in St. Louis
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Jeff Geerling has 18,175 from Shell repos:
- mac-dev-playbook (6,226 ) Mac setup and configuration via Ansible.
- macos-virtualbox-vm (2,555 ) Instructions and script to help you create a VirtualBox VM running macOS.
- raspberry-pi-dramble (1,672 ) DEPRECATED - Raspberry Pi Kubernetes cluster that runs HA/HP Drupal 8
Shawn Presser has 4,183 from Shell repos:
Katie has 4,023 from Shell repos:
- screenFetch (3,938 ) Fetches system/theme information in terminal for Linux desktop screenshots.
- fetch (29 ) A BASH screenshot, system information, and logo display tool.
- bmpc (17 ) BASH Music Player Daemon (MPD) Client
Har-Kuun has 1,364 from Shell repos:
- OneClickDesktop (712 ) A one-click script that installs a remote desktop environment on a Linux server with browser/RDP/VNC access.
- OneClickCDN (623 ) A one-click shell script to set up a CDN node for your websites.
- MailBlockCheck (14 ) A quick shell script to check whether or not your server IP is blocked by public mail services
Phil Cryer has 1,103 from Shell repos:
- lipsync (853 ) lipsync sets up a lightweight service that provides command-line, Dropbox like syncing
- wpa2own (73 ) Use hashcat to crack WPA2 PSK (Pre-Shared Key) passwords!
- nginx-globals (42 ) Consolidating common, repeatable, secure nginx configs in a globals directory to standardize and simplify the locking down of nginx based webservers.
WUSM Human Connectome Project has 597 from Shell repos:
- HCPpipelines (559 ) Processing pipelines for the HCP
- NHPPipelines (28 ) Enhancements of HCP Pipelines for non-human primates
- StructuralQC (3 ) (No description)
Brent W. Peterson has 295 from Shell repos:
- magento-patches (272 ) As many Magento patches as I can find!
- server-utilities (23 ) Install and Setup Utilities for Server deployments
- lighthouse (0 ) (No description)
Dave Schmid has 277 from Shell repos:
- grafana-loki-syslog-aio (188 ) Grafana Loki Syslog All In One Syslog Deployable Stack
- weatherflow-dashboards-aio (70 ) An All-In-One WeatherFlow logging and dashboarding project.
- homeassistant (12 ) (No description)
NRG XNAT has 147 from Shell repos:
- oasis-scripts (143 ) Example download scripts for the OASIS3 project
- xnat_bash_utils (4 ) (No description)
Mohamad Hassan has 140 from Shell repos:
- splunk-n-box (138 ) Docker Splunk "Orchestration" bash script (6,000+ lines) to create fully automated pre-configured splunk site-2-site clusters or stand alone containers. Awesome tool for training and testing!
- splunk-serverclass-reload (2 ) Python script CRT interface to splunk Deployment Server (DS)
- docker-splunk (0 ) Docker Splunk Enterprise image
Jason Charney has 132 from Shell repos:
- ArchWSLPlusPlus (94 ) (No description)
- rigel (10 ) What Kang and Kodos have in common
- hacktop (8 ) Everything Hacktops
Ian Harrier has 129 from Shell repos:
- synology-scripts (116 ) Scripts for Synology DSM
- docker-snipe-it (6 ) Dockerized Snipe-IT
- docker-applesus (3 ) Dockerized Apple Software Update Services (Reposado + Margarita)
Kabin Karki has 115 from Shell repos:
- dotfiles (115 ) My personal desktop configuration files.
Kyle Ericson has 107 from Shell repos:
- JAMF (66 ) Scripts for Jamf Pro
- Jamf-LAPS-Bootstrapper (17 ) A simple tool to get the LAPS password from a Mac enrolled in Jamf Pro
- MacOS-OneDrive-KFM (16 ) Move your Desktop and Documents to OneDrive
Justin Honold has 104 from Shell repos:
- vagrant-centos (82 ) Build your own minimal Vagrant CentOS Base Box.
- aws (19 ) Eases SSH management of Linux EC2 Hosts. Supports multiple accounts.
- aws-stl-meetup (2 ) AWS STL Meetup CloudFormation workshop
Li Ding's Lab has 86 from Shell repos:
- BreakPointSurveyor (20 ) A comprehensive pipeline to analyze and visualize structural variants
- BICSEQ2 (16 ) BICSEQ2 pipeline for processing CPTAC3 somatic WGS CNA
- VariantQC (11 ) Variant quality checking scripts.
AT&T Community Development has 84 from Shell repos:
- dockerfiles (28 ) Various Dockerfiles used by the AT&T Community Development Team
- halcyon-vagrant-kubernetes (12 ) Vagrant deployment mechanism for halcyon-kubernetes.
- promenade (11 ) This project has moved to OpenStack.
BoochTek, LLC has 68 from Shell repos:
- mac_config (65 ) Scripted installation and configuration of Mac OS X apps and preferences
- sysadmin (2 ) Tools to make GNU/Linux system administration easier
- bash-higher-order-functions (1 ) Higher order functions for Bash, a la Lisp
MaryvilleDev has 68 from Shell repos:
- alpine-rmq (35 ) 35MB RabbitMQ Docker image running on Alpine Linux
- cnvm (18 ) Cloud Native VM
- uCA (15 ) uCA is a micro-CA that uses OpenSSL to allow you to easily create signed certificates with multiple SubjectAltNames
Loren Carvalho has 63 from Shell repos:
- surrogate (63 ) bash wrapper for percona xtrabackup
Greg Baker has 57 from Shell repos:
- ssh_password_sniffer (38 ) Extract passwords from memory with strace
- dns_dumpster (3 ) Reverse engineering dnsdumpster.com
- report_abuse_fail2ban (2 ) Construct an abuse report email for every host banned via fail2ban
Jordan has 55 from Shell repos:
- i3-configuration (45 ) My i3 configuration files
- pipes.sh (6 ) Animated pipes terminal screensaver
- dna_bash (3 ) A program to print out double helix figures in the terminal
Mark Heckler has 53 from Shell repos:
- LocalMessaging (19 ) Scripts I use to create Docker images, create config, & run containers for RabbitMQ and Zookeeper+Kafka. Nothing fancy, they just work. :)
- flux-flix-intro (12 ) Streamlined introduction to reactive streams, Project Reactor, Spring Framework 5.x, & Spring Boot 2.x
- asa-general-scripts-for-reference-only (2 ) General scripts I use to create and deploy a set of apps to Azure Spring Apps. FOR REFERENCE ONLY, scripts will not work without customization for your circumstances.
Cole Brumley has 51 from Shell repos:
- docker-etcd (29 ) 47MB Alpine Linux Etcd2 Container
- docker-vscode (7 ) Dockerized Visual Studio Code
- docker-quokka (5 ) Quokka Docker image
Gilbert Standen has 51 from Shell repos:
- orabuntu-lxc (46 ) Developer and User Guide
- scst-3.x-debian (5 ) Debian packaging for SCST
- lxd-k8s-cluster (0 ) lxd + k8s + nfs-server + metallb "fully" automated
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