338 Swift users in St. Louis
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Mark Sands has 1,758 from Swift repos:
- BetterCodable (1,747 ) Better Codable through Property Wrappers
- SwiftMemoryByExample (4 ) (No description)
- EventingLibrary (2 ) A uniform API for message passing
Jared Forsyth has 297 from Swift repos:
- qmoji (296 ) 🙃 Like mojibar, but written in swift
- SwiftTweaks (1 ) Tweak your iOS app without recompiling!
Asynchrony has 157 from Swift repos:
- Re-Lax (156 ) Recreating Parallax on tvOS
- spark-ios-sdk-example (1 ) A developer friendly sample implementation of Spark client SDK and showcases all SDK features.
- KeychainAccess (0 ) Simple Swift wrapper for Keychain that works on iOS and OS X
WWT has 127 from Swift repos:
- SwiftCurrent (118 ) A library for managing complex workflows in Swift
- tdd201-apple-platforms (3 ) (No description)
- SwiftNetworking (3 ) Highly Testable Swift Networking Lib
Brian Coyner has 120 from Swift repos:
- Visual-Effects-Shadow (62 ) Add a drop shadow to a UIVisualEffectView using a 9-part UIImage.
- interactive-grid (20 ) Demo project showing a technique for building a reorderable `UICollectionView` using compositional layout and other stock UIKit APIs.
- Circular-Progress (9 ) Techniques for building circular progress views using Core Animation.
John Haney has 96 from Swift repos:
- ARKitVision (28 ) Template staters for building for visionOS
- HandGesture (25 ) visionOS hand tracking for semantic gestures
- ARUnderstanding (19 ) Provides a simple interface for getting ARKit values from visionOS
Michael Gira has 53 from Swift repos:
- navigatAR (53 ) Finding your way through buildings and campuses through the power of augmented reality
Patrick Maltagliati has 44 from Swift repos:
- TreeGraph (20 ) Drawing a tree with SwiftUI and Core Data
- Messanger (16 ) This is an example app of end-to-end encryption with CloudKit and Core Data.
- SettingsSpinner (4 ) Settings system update spinner in SwiftUI
Samuel K. Grush has 35 from Swift repos:
- CavernSeer (34 ) An iPadOS and iOS application for scanning 3D spaces
- OutAndAboutMap (1 ) [WIP] Playing with iOS MapKit
Dan Hart has 28 from Swift repos:
- Fragment (11 ) iOS & macOS Gist manager using Github
- PhoneticCLI (5 ) CLI to convert text into its phonetic representation for more clear communication out loud.
- DHDeclarable (4 ) Declarative UIKit for iOS apps
Tunespeak has 18 from Swift repos:
- AlamoRecord (18 ) An elegant yet powerful iOS networking layer inspired by ActiveRecord.
- Birdsong (0 ) :bird::musical_score: Swift WebSockets client for Phoenix Channels.
- Spring (0 ) A library to simplify iOS animations in Swift.
Dandy Griffin has 16 from Swift repos:
- Rules (13 ) A simple fuzzy logic / rule system framework
- Apple-Feedback-Projects (2 ) A collection of projects that were created specifically to compliment feedback reports
- _bug-watchos-combine-timeout (1 ) An issue with Combine's timeout operator on watchOS causing a crash
DoodMac has 13 from Swift repos:
- profileImage (5 ) Thiis os part of my YouTube Tutorial where I walk you through step by step of how to use an image picker in your SwiftUI App
- SwiftUISearchBar (2 ) (No description)
- HolidaysUsingAPIs (2 ) (No description)
Jeff Heaton has 11 from Swift repos:
- ios_video_classify (11 ) A simple IOS application that uses mobilenet to classify 1000 different images from an IOS device's video camera.
LeAnne Lis has 11 from Swift repos:
- CoreData-Example (6 ) Demonstrates the use of attributes, relationships, fetched properties, and a fetched template in Core Data.
- MemeMe (2 ) iOS Swift app "MemeMe": allows user to select image from camera or photo album, add text, and share as a meme.
- DEMO-AddAudioKit (2 ) Example project using AudioKit framework. (Xcode 9.3, Swift 4.1)
Mark Volkmann has 10 from Swift repos:
- swiftui-mapkit (2 ) (No description)
- swiftui-notifications (1 ) (No description)
- swiftui-cloudkit-core-data (1 ) (No description)
James Shepherdson has 7 from Swift repos:
Jeff Roberts has 7 from Swift repos:
- LoLBookOfChampions-swift2-sqlite (6 ) A comprehensive demonstration of several key application components including Typhoon (dependency injection), and other tech including ReactiveCocoa, AlamoFire and Sqlite using FMDB. The application features content from the League of Legends Developer API.
- swift-content-provider (1 ) A Swift implementation of the Android ContentProvider for managing application content
- swift-adapters-fmdb (0 ) FMDB adapters for the swift-protocols-sqlite protocols. Use this code in conjunction with the protocols if you want to use fmdb as your underlying sqlite wrapper.
Nick Neuberger has 7 from Swift repos:
- swift-log-console-colors (6 ) This is a small SwiftLog API compatible library that shows more color in the Xcode console for easier identification of errors, warnings, etc in the console.
- HCKalmanFilter (1 ) HCKalmanFilter is Swift implementation of Kalman filter algorithm intended to solve problem with GPS tracking
- SVEVideoUI (0 ) A video component for SwiftUI
Stephen Bowen has 7 from Swift repos:
- Spot-For-iOS (5 ) Control the Boston Dynamics Spot with an iOS device
- TigerHacks2020Xcode (2 ) (No description)
- spot-swift-sdk (0 ) A Swift implementation of the Boston Dynamics Spot SDK
Justin LeBlanc has 6 from Swift repos:
- SwiftGraphStore (6 ) Library for interacting with Graph Store via UrsusHTTP
- Parity (0 ) Integer parity microlibrary
- Notepad (0 ) [iOS] A fully themeable markdown editor with live syntax highlighting.
Raul Pham has 6 from Swift repos:
- books-tracker (1 ) (No description)
- basic-camera-app-with-core-data-syncing (1 ) (No description)
- wallet-app (1 ) (No description)
Warren Hansen has 6 from Swift repos:
- Meme-Me-V1-V2-for-Udacity (4 ) Meme App I completing during my IOS Dev program at Udacity
- Workout3 (1 ) (No description)
- Learn-Swift-LA---Nyse-Chart (1 ) (No description)
David Chopin has 5 from Swift repos:
- PrepareForSegue (2 ) (No description)
- UpsellViewController (2 ) UpsellViewController is a library that lets you create customizable alert view controllers that pitch products to your app's users.
- FirebaseLoginSignup (1 ) (No description)
James Rantanen has 5 from Swift repos:
- combine-marbles (3 ) A mac app with interactive marbles-style view of Combine operators
- ESCFutures (1 ) Futures!
- CardParser (1 ) Credit Card Type Parsing for Swift
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