1,324 TypeScript users in St. Louis
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Andrew Dillon has 6,792 from TypeScript repos:
- pdf-lib (6,791 ) Create and modify PDF documents in any JavaScript environment
- standard-fonts (1 ) Collection of metrics and encodings for the standard 14 PDF fonts
- png-ts (0 ) A TypeScript PNG decoder that works in any JavaScript environment
Jianshu Wang has 1,093 from TypeScript repos:
- danbooru-diffusion-prompt-builder (1,093 ) Danbooru / NovelAI 标签超市
- tolgee-js (0 ) Tolgee JavaScript libraries monorepo
- billd-live (0 ) 基于Vue3 + WebRtc + Node + SRS搭建的直播间
Kyle McCarthy has 683 from TypeScript repos:
- nest-next (645 ) Render Module to add Nextjs support for Nestjs
- nest-next-starter (37 ) NestJS and NextJS example and starter app -- add React SSR to NestJS with NextJS
- node-casbin (1 ) An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Node.js
Cory Rylan has 542 from TypeScript repos:
- ng-pokedex (253 ) :monkey_face: Pokedex progressive web app built with Angular
- ngx-lite (128 ) :package: A collection of lightweight Angular libraries in a single mono repo
- ngx-json-ld (29 ) :pencil: A small component to easily bind JSON-LD schema to Angular templates.
Oasis Digital Solutions Inc. has 317 from TypeScript repos:
- angular-enterprise-example (125 ) Scalable / Large Angular application structure example
- angular-material-search-select (54 ) Angular-material search-select widget with observable option list
- angular2-firebase (34 ) Early Angular 2 / Firebase adapter. Now obsolete, since the official angularfire2 is ready for prime time.
Bullhorn has 261 from TypeScript repos:
- career-portal (134 ) A Bullhorn Platform SDK app that allows candidates to search for and apply to jobs.
- novo-elements (76 ) UI Repository for Bullhorn's Novo Theme
- taurus (10 ) Typescript client for the Bullhorn REST API
Hayden Shively has 243 from TypeScript repos:
- New-Bedford (243 ) Flash swap liquidation bot for compound.finance + flashbots
- arc-llm-playground (0 ) (No description)
Butterscotch Shenanigans has 210 from TypeScript repos:
- stitch (126 ) Tools and apps for GameMaker development: a CLI for pipeline development, a VSCode extension for coding, and more.
- typescript-template (32 ) Typescript project starter that includes testing, linting, and changelogs, and is ready for publishing to npm
- spritely (18 ) Image correction and cleanup for 2D video game sprites
Jared Forsyth has 160 from TypeScript repos:
- render-react-native-to-image (106 ) Take a React Native component tree, and render it into an SVG.
- jerd (36 ) (No description)
- geometricart (5 ) (No description)
Bill Odom has 150 from TypeScript repos:
- spacewalk (137 ) (No description)
- css-grid-playground (13 ) CSS Grid Playground
- angular-cli (0 ) CLI tool for Angular
Bruce Harrison has 145 from TypeScript repos:
- Schedulely (68 ) CSS-grid based React calendar with a focus on extensibility and small package size
- bcrypt-edge (55 ) Bcrypt implementation specifically for web workers
- kv-d1-benchmark (19 ) A very small Cloudflare Worker that compares response times of KV to D1
Ben Main has 106 from TypeScript repos:
- aws-serverless-fastify (40 ) Port of aws-serverless-express to work with Fastify WebServer.
- nest-azure-ad-jwt-validator (23 ) A Global Nest module to validate Azure Active Directory Tokens.
- nest-sftp (15 ) Sftp Client for Nest.js Framework
Zach Schneider has 73 from TypeScript repos:
- sitemap-webpack-plugin (73 ) Webpack plugin to generate a sitemap.
- debate-discord-bot (0 ) Discord bot to greet attendees and add them to tournament servers
Petfinder.com has 60 from TypeScript repos:
- petfinder-js-sdk (60 ) Petfinder.com API client for JavaScript/TypeScript
Neil Kistner has 56 from TypeScript repos:
- gatsby-source-graphql (15 ) A Gatsby source plugin for pulling in data from GraphQL APIs.
- wyze.github.io (10 ) The personal website of Neil Kistner.
- vscode-hybrid-next (8 ) A port of the Hybrid Next theme to VS Code.
Mark Volkmann has 50 from TypeScript repos:
- htmx-examples (34 ) (No description)
- hono-htmx-turso (14 ) (No description)
- ngrx-store-easy (1 ) A much easier way to write Angular applications that use ngrx/store to manage state
Madness Labs has 45 from TypeScript repos:
- enjin-components (36 ) A set of components to help the app building process
- FireEnjin (3 ) A set of tools for speeding up production of full-stack Firebase projects.
- Enjin-Editor (1 ) (No description)
Manish Sodavadiya has 39 from TypeScript repos:
- Angular4-JsonEditor (39 ) Wrapper for jsonedior in angular 4+ application
Michael Gira has 36 from TypeScript repos:
- swarms (16 ) The ultimate node.js library for controlling Bitcraze Crazyflie 2.0 drones
- Pear-Tutoring (4 ) Sharing the fruits of knowledge
- nuclear-energy-simulator-2017 (3 ) Plan, build, and manage nuclear power plants to become the greenest country on the planet (created for my global issues class)
Momentum Framework has 35 from TypeScript repos:
- momentum (35 ) Momentum is an open-source framework for building server-side Deno applications in TypeScript. It provides the paradigms and design patterns to guide developers to create robust, scalable, and enterprise-grade applications.
- momentum-api-starter (0 ) (No description)
- momentum-mvc-starter (0 ) (No description)
Second Street has 33 from TypeScript repos:
- talker.js (33 ) A tiny, promise-based library for cross-origin communication between frames and windows.
- custom-sso (0 ) This repository contains documentation for your reference when building a custom Single Sign-On solution for embedded Second Street content.
Jacob Wasilkowski has 30 from TypeScript repos:
- angular2-esri-playground (30 ) Angular 2 & Esri 4
David Lynch has 30 from TypeScript repos:
- obsidian-smart-links (30 ) (No description)
Rachel Noccioli has 30 from TypeScript repos:
- blast-off-with-am (29 ) Blast Off with Angular Material - ng-conf workshop
- angular-material-crash-course (1 ) (No description)
- automated-a11y (0 ) (No description)
Shawn Presser has 30 from TypeScript repos:
- gpt4 (30 ) Playground for GPT-4
- signal (0 ) Online MIDI Editor: signal
- typescript-hapi-react-hot-loader-example (0 ) Simple TypeScript React Hot Loading example with Hapi Server-side rendering
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