913 C# users in St. Louis
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David Ortinau has 2,800 from C# repos:
- WeatherTwentyOne (929 ) (No description)
- Xappy (350 ) A mobile app to track Xamarin news and explore all the goodness that is .NET for Mobile developers
- TheLittleThingsPlayground (189 ) Playground for experimenting with new Xamarin.Forms features.
Tyler Brinkley has 1,789 from C# repos:
- Enums.NET (1,764 ) Enums.NET is a high-performance type-safe .NET enum utility library
- Genumerics (19 ) Genumerics is a high-performance .NET library for generic numeric operations
- WrapIt (2 ) Project to easily generate C# wrappers and interfaces around types for better testability
Ekon Benefits has 1,079 from C# repos:
- impromptu-interface (658 ) Static interface to dynamic implementation (duck casting). Uses the DLR combined with Reflect.Emit.
- dynamitey (358 ) (pronounced dyna-mighty) flexes DLR muscle to do meta-mazing things in .net
- dotnetdbf (56 ) This is a basic file parser written in C# for reading and writing xBase DBF files, particularly Clipper.
TypeCastException has 546 from C# repos:
- ConsoleApplicationBase (95 ) (No description)
- AspNet-Identity-2-Extending-Users-And-Roles (85 ) (No description)
- AspNetIdentity2GroupPermissions (77 ) (No description)
Jeff Heaton has 509 from C# repos:
- encog-dotnet-core (430 ) (No description)
- encog-dotnet-more-examples (43 ) This project will contain additional examples for Encog, beyond the console examples provided with Encog. These examples are primarily Winforms GUI applications, and may make use of third party libraries other than Encog.
- encog-sample-csharp (28 ) A sample application for Encog C#.
Daniel Huinda has 399 from C# repos:
- VanillaRAT (384 ) VanillaRat is an advanced remote administration tool completely coded in C# for Windows.
- FileLocker (13 ) XLOCK Is a light, and powerful file locker that with features such as an interactive file interface, work in-progress shell with commands, console ,file viewing, and more. XLOCK used 2Toad's Rijndael256 encryption library and DarkByte7's VisualPlus user controls.
- XMUSIC (2 ) Kicking off my profile with an extremely simple music player I decided to make, because I got bored. Please don't complain that I didn't label my control variables, I was being lazy. Enjoy!
Spencer Schneidenbach has 198 from C# repos:
- AutoMapper.Attributes (75 ) A convenient way to create AutoMapper type mappings using attributes.
- RecessOpinionatedApiInAspNetCore (38 ) An opinionated API architecture for ASP.NET Core
- EntityFramework.Metadata (25 ) Get table metadata for your Entity Framework entities.
Alan Juden has 173 from C# repos:
- MvcReportViewer (173 ) Custom Report Viewer control to replace MS Report Viewer on MVC projects (also works on .NET Core as a Report Viewer).
Adam Koewler has 100 from C# repos:
- USB-Rubber-Ducky-App (91 ) :hatching_chick: Windows GUI for USB Rubber Ducky
- MasterLock-Combo-Cracker-Script (4 ) :closed_lock_with_key: Cracks MasterLock Padlocks using 3 values.
- FakeProgressBars (3 ) :hourglass_flowing_sand: Creates custom fake progress bars.
Shawn Miller has 94 from C# repos:
- MongoDB.Web (94 ) MongoDB.Web is a collection of ASP.NET providers (caching, membership, profiles, roles, session state, web events) for MongoDB.
Chris Young has 70 from C# repos:
- CsvHelper.Excel (68 ) (No description)
- Hangfire.JobScope (1 ) (No description)
- cleanco (1 ) C# company processer
Jay Tuley has 69 from C# repos:
- keyczar-dotnet (55 ) Keyczar high level encryption toolkit in C#.
- AnyUnit (8 ) Portable Class Library Unit Tests: Write Once, Test Everywhere
- ManyConsole.CommandLineUtils (5 ) A near drop-in replacement for fschwiet/ManyConsole, wrapping Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils
Chris Schmich has 68 from C# repos:
- hearthstone-card-images (64 ) (Archived, see below) Hearthstone card image repository
- ephemeral (1 ) Fast transparent program launcher.
- prophet (1 ) NFL matchup predictor
Lenny Kean has 62 from C# repos:
- WcfCoreMtomEncoder (27 ) MTOM message encoder for .NET Core WCF
- MiningMonitor (14 ) Mining Monitor is a free and open-source monitoring tool for ethereum mining rigs.
- NoteCards (13 ) (No description)
Justin Buchanan has 59 from C# repos:
- Justin.AspNetCore.LdapAuthentication (57 ) LDAP based password authentication for ASP.NET Identity
- SignUp (1 ) Event sign up and self-service Household information update for Planning Center People (PCO).
- dotnet_mod_auth_pubtkt (1 ) ASP.NET Core Web Application for Issuing mod_auth_pubtkt Tokens
Engage Software has 58 from C# repos:
- Engage-Publish (9 ) Engage: Publish is an article management system/workflow engine for your DotNetNuke portal. It provides advanced content management capabilities with workflow - approval, content categorization and related articles.
- Engage-Employment (7 ) Engage: Employment is a job listing and applicant management tool for the DNN Platform.
- Engage-Survey (6 ) Engage: Survey is a survey and form building tool for the DNN Platform
Matt McCormick has 58 from C# repos:
- GitHubStats (5 ) Shows very basic statistics for a GitHub user over the last year.
- excel-to-sql (5 ) Generates a table in SQL Server, with data, from an Excel Spreadsheet.
- GTFSEngine (5 ) A C# engine that can parse and use GTFS data. Synchronized from the Google Code project by Paul Stancer.
ArchitectNow has 49 from C# repos:
- ArchitectNow.ApiStarter (36 ) Sample ASP.NET Core 2 API Setup used by ArchitectNow for corresponding workshop presentations
- ArchitectNow.Framework (4 ) (No description)
- MimeTypeMap (2 ) Provides a huge dictionary of file extensions to mime types.
Jesse Chounard has 48 from C# repos:
- UnityTools (41 ) Tools and scripts for use with Unity3D. (Most likely written in C#.)
- NinjaSharp (4 ) C# game development utilities for use with XNA and MonoGame
- AutomaticPrefabs (3 ) Automated prefab and manager loading for Unity3d
Danny Nissenfeld has 41 from C# repos:
- Warrens (37 ) A c# mvc routing js client text world platform
- MarkovianEchoes (2 ) A .net mud for the MUD Coders Guild gamejam 2018
- DynamicImageSite (1 ) A dynamic image based website template
Jason Whittington has 38 from C# repos:
- INTERCAL (29 ) Common Runtime Intercal (Next-Generation Engine)
- Cardiac (9 ) C# / .NET implementation of the CARDIAC Cardboard computer
- VSX-Samples (0 ) Visual Studio eXtensibility (VSX) Samples
Fabien Molinet has 37 from C# repos:
- Xam.Plugins.ManageSleep (17 ) Manage auto sleep / auto lock in all platforms
- ConfigurationSubstitutor (16 ) Allows .NET Core configuration to allow substitution of some parts, similar to what Azure DevOps libraries offer
- onlineboardz (2 ) (No description)
Troy Walsh has 37 from C# repos:
- SeleniumAxeDotnet (33 ) Tools for using aXe for web accessibility testing with C# and Selenium.
- SeleniumIsWeird (3 ) (No description)
- AccessibilityDemo (1 ) Demo accessibility code
Brian Dukes has 33 from C# repos:
- sugar (15 ) A set of Extension Methods for making C# development a little easier
- URLExpander (3 ) Plugin for Seesmic Desktop that expands shortened URLs
- DNN-Settings-Repository (3 ) A prototype implementation of strongly-typed settings helpers for the DNN Platform
Bill Venhaus has 32 from C# repos:
- ReorderableCollectionView.Maui (18 ) ReorderableCollectionView for .NET MAUI
- ReorderableCollectionView.Forms (14 ) ReorderableCollectionView for Xamarin Forms
- maui (0 ) .NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
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