977 C++ users in St. Louis
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Object Computing, Inc. has 462 from C++ repos:
The McDonnell Genome Institute has 311 from C++ repos:
- pindel (168 ) Pindel can detect breakpoints of large deletions, medium sized insertions, inversions, tandem duplications and other structural variants at single-based resolution from next-gen sequence data. It uses a pattern growth approach to identify the breakpoints of these variants from paired-end short reads.
- breakdancer (117 ) SV detection from paired end reads mapping
- joinx (21 ) a tool for processing .bed and .vcf files
Nicholas Ragland has 292 from C++ repos:
- cpp-projects (285 ) Collection of 50 C++ Projects, Algorithms, Data Structures & Learning Materials
- Ai-MiniMax-TicTacToe (7 ) An unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe Artificial Intelligence in C++, featuring the Minimax algorithm with Alpha-Beta pruning and visualized move tree traversal
Shawn Presser has 245 from C++ repos:
- noh (214 ) An open source implementation of Icefrog's DotA, with a pretty amazing engine. Builds in 3 minutes flat; cross-platform.
- hon (18 ) A complete copy of the Heroes of Newerth development environment from January 2011
- arachnid-old (3 ) Arachnid is a cross-platform 3D graphics engine.
WUSM Human Connectome Project has 210 from C++ repos:
Neil McNeight has 203 from C++ repos:
- CAN_Library (95 ) Multiplatform Arduino library for supporting the native CAN controller on Due (SAM3X) and Teensy 3.1 (K2X) as well as MCP2515 through SPI
- MemoryFree (77 ) Arduino MemoryFree library. Hosting it on github for easy access.
- arducross (12 ) Arduino based CAN bus reader and logger for vehicle information important to autocross racers
Jeff Geerling has 183 from C++ repos:
- airgradient-prometheus (183 ) AirGradient Prometheus exporter.
Li Ding's Lab has 137 from C++ repos:
Zhihao Yuan has 112 from C++ repos:
Jianshu Wang has 111 from C++ repos:
- obs-StreamFX-prebuilt (111 ) StreamFX is a plugin for OBS® Studio which adds many new effects, filters, sources, transitions and encoders! Be it 3D Transform, Blur, complex Masking, or even custom shaders, you'll find it all here.
- pycdc (0 ) C++ python bytecode disassembler and decompiler
- coolq-telegram-bot-x (0 ) QQ && Telegram Forward Framework :: C++ Version
Addison Elliott has 84 from C++ repos:
- HttpServer (83 ) C++ Qt 5 HTTP Server
- opencv (1 ) Open Source Computer Vision Library
- SimpleITK (0 ) SimpleITK: a simplified layer build on top of the Insight Toolkit (ITK), intended to facilitate its use in rapid prototyping, education and interpreted languages.
Feng Qiao has 81 from C++ repos:
- TensorRT-CenterNet-3D (62 ) tensorrt5, centernet, 3d detection, kitti, centerface, deform conv, int8,
- pcl_tutorials (19 ) pcl function tutorials
Charles Du has 76 from C++ repos:
- lifting_simplices_to_find_injectivity (18 ) injective mapping via TLC (total lifted content) energy minimization (SIGGRAPH 2020)
- Boundary_Sampled_Halfspaces (16 ) the code of paper "Boundary-Sampled Halfspaces: A New Representation for Constructive Solid Modeling" (SIGGRAPH 2021)
- Robust-Implicit-Surface-Networks (14 ) The code of paper "Robust Computation of Implicit Surface Networks for Piecewise Linear Functions" (SIGGRAPH 2022)
Chris Oliver has 64 from C++ repos:
- python-apt (64 ) This is a Python library interface to libapt, which allows you to query and manipulat APT package repository information using the Python programming language.
- WhateverGreen (0 ) Various patches necessary for certain ATI/AMD/Intel/Nvidia GPUs
Joe has 62 from C++ repos:
Dustin L. Howett has 57 from C++ repos:
Megazig has 56 from C++ repos:
- Stm8Ida (21 ) stm8 ida processor module
- WiiTools (20 ) tools for wii and function identification to help hacking wii games and better RE stuff
- rel_ida_plugin (4 ) (No description)
Cregg Hancock has 53 from C++ repos:
G Roques has 48 from C++ repos:
- compiler (48 ) A simple compiler written from scratch in C++ for an undergraduate course in program translation.
- 4280-project-0 (0 ) A C++ program that incrementally divides a list of integers with a recursive function.
- filesystem-websocket-notifier (0 ) Notifies a WebSocket connection about filesystem changes.
Terence Darwen has 48 from C++ repos:
- ArmCortexSynth (16 ) A fully functioning MIDI synthesizer using an ARM Cortex-M4F processor (Tiva LaunchPad TM4C123G).
- AudioLib (16 ) A C++ library for audio specific components.
- PhaseVocoder (15 ) A cross platform command line utility allowing for time expansion/compression, pitch shifting and resampling of audio.
Computational Imaging Group (CIG) has 44 from C++ repos:
- DOLCE (44 ) DOLCE, ICCV2023. Pytorch Implementation.
Conan has 41 from C++ repos:
- rubik (23 ) Efficient Rubik's cube solver in C++ with OpenGL visualizer. Implemented Thisletwaite's algorithm along with pattern database
- particle_system (8 ) An openCL and openGL simulation of movement of millions of particles in space
- hashgraph (7 ) Simple implementation of the consensus algorithm Hashgraph with clear visualizer
Cregg Hancock has 40 from C++ repos:
New Pagodi has 37 from C++ repos:
- wxAccordion (28 ) An Accordion Control for wxWidgets
- wxAlphaIndex (5 ) An alphabetical index control for wxWidgets
- wxRearrangeTree (3 ) A database persistent version of wxTreeCtrl
Jonah has 33 from C++ repos:
- jengine (11 ) A cross-platform 2D C++ game engine
- nitrogen (4 ) A high level language built on NVM
- nitrogen-vm (4 ) A virtual machine for a (soon to come) higher level language
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