56 Clojure users in St. Louis
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Alex Miller has 113 from Clojure repos:
- replicant (30 ) Sketching use of clojure socket server for tooling use
- startup-time (24 ) Clojure startup time example
- demo-deps (17 ) Demo of deps.edn and clj
Jared Forsyth has 79 from Clojure repos:
- reepl (63 ) The cljs Read-eval-print-loop that really understands you
- tutorial-cljs (14 ) (No description)
- replumb (1 ) ClojureScript plumbing for your self-hosted REPLs.
Charles Comstock has 50 from Clojure repos:
- lein-vanity (23 ) Lines of code statistics for vanity's sake
- shimmers (21 ) A Sketchbook of Generative Art
- tile-game (2 ) A Tile Puzzle Game and Solver
Perry Trolard has 47 from Clojure repos:
David McNeil has 39 from Clojure repos:
- defrecord2 (22 ) (No description)
- clojure-adapt (7 ) Allow Clojure protocols to be extended to other protocols
- clojure-ant-bot (6 ) Clojure Cljub - Google AI Challenge - Ant bot
Jessica Kerr has 29 from Clojure repos:
- microlib (18 ) Importer program for microlibraries. Bring in the libbits!
- contracts-as-types-examples (4 ) examples I intend to use in my talk about Prismatic Schema
- slack-reader (3 ) Read messages from slack channels for analysis.
Brian J. Rubinton has 10 from Clojure repos:
- clojure-koans (3 ) Solutions for Clojure Koans
- bjr (1 ) personal website
- walmart-vaccines (1 ) (No description)
Jeff Sigmon has 7 from Clojure repos:
- pynch (3 ) Pynch is a library for parsing submissions from news.arc sites such as Hacker News and Arc Forum.
- project-euler (1 ) Solutions for Project Euler
- sort-dejour (1 ) Implementation of common sorting algorithms in Clojure
Michael Bradley has 6 from Clojure repos:
- protocol-monads (5 ) A protocol based monads library for Clojure
- clojurescript (1 ) Clojure to JS compiler
- day-of-datomic (0 ) Sample Code for Day of Datomic presentation
Scott Kruger has 6 from Clojure repos:
- clj-yahoo (6 ) Yahoo API client for Clojure
Daniel Fehrenbach has 5 from Clojure repos:
Scott Bale has 3 from Clojure repos:
- vendingmachine-clojure (2 ) Clojure implementation of Lambda Lounge vending machine specification
- clojure-koans (1 ) A set of exercises for learning Clojure
- combojure (0 ) S K I combinators and Y combinator in Clojure
Jeff Scott Brown has 2 from Clojure repos:
- clojure-n-queens (1 ) (No description)
- Openar (1 ) Openar, a Clojure environment
Kyle Cordes has 2 from Clojure repos:
- clj-repl-applet (2 ) Clojure REPL Applet
Mark Volkmann has 2 from Clojure repos:
- VendingMachine-Clojure (2 ) Lambda Lounge Vending Machine code in Clojure
Dane Johnson has 1 from Clojure repos:
- guaranteed-delivery (1 ) Clojure project to test transport layer protocols
- josh-homme-number (0 ) (No description)
- alita (0 ) Eventually a voice controller for Elite Dangerous
Drew Walters has 1 from Clojure repos:
- UBNT-EdgeRouter-Config (1 ) Ubiquiti EdgeRouter PoE configuration
Jenny Brown has 1 from Clojure repos:
- codeanalyzer-clj (1 ) Static code analysis for Java, written in Clojure
Jim Berlage has 1 from Clojure repos:
- process (1 ) (No description)
- cljs-docker-demo (0 ) (No description)
- cljs-time (0 ) A clj-time inspired date library for clojurescript.
Ken Sipe has 1 from Clojure repos:
- strangeloop-clj (1 ) (No description)
Mario Aquino has 1 from Clojure repos:
- textmate-clojure (1 ) TextMate bundle for Clojure
- training-day (0 ) FP in clojure training
- prisoners_dilemma_clj (0 ) Prisoners Dilemma / Game of Life mashup
Martin Bertolino has 1 from Clojure repos:
- clojure-test1 (1 ) Random clojure tests and exploration
- stlclj-072016 (0 ) Materials from the St. Louis Clojure Meetup - July 2016
- figwheel-main (0 ) Figwheel Main provides tooling for developing ClojureScript applications
STL Coders has 1 from Clojure repos:
- clojure-sandbox (1 ) Leiningen project to try Clojure code
wschroeder has 1 from Clojure repos:
- clj_screeps (1 ) Demonstration of ClojureScript for Screeps
Alex Stangl has 0 from Clojure repos:
- clojure-koans (0 ) A set of exercises for learning Clojure
- sicp-exercises-clojure (0 ) Exercises from Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, worked in Clojure
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