
207 Dockerfile users in St. Louis

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Jeff Geerling has 1,527 from Dockerfile repos:
  • pi-nvr (271 ) Raspberry Pi NVR for home CCTV recording.
  • pi-router (111 ) Raspberry Pi-based OpenWRT router config for 4G/5G Waveshare Dual Ethernet board.
  • docker-centos7-ansible (103 ) CentOS 7 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing.
Laclede's LAN has 95 from Dockerfile repos:
NRG XNAT has 87 from Dockerfile repos:
IT Lackey has 53 from Dockerfile repos:
Jeff Heaton has 46 from Dockerfile repos:
Christoff Humphries has 24 from Dockerfile repos:
  • docker-binaryexploitation (24 ) Docker container that has all the CLI tooling for binary exploitation (thanks to @LiveOverflow)
Mark Heckler has 19 from Dockerfile repos:
Victor Frank has 16 from Dockerfile repos:
Jared Forsyth has 14 from Dockerfile repos:
Srdjan Grubor has 13 from Dockerfile repos:
Zachary Skidmore has 8 from Dockerfile repos:
ArchitectNow has 7 from Dockerfile repos:
The McDonnell Genome Institute has 7 from Dockerfile repos:
Chris Miller has 5 from Dockerfile repos:
Josh Gillespie has 5 from Dockerfile repos:
Jose Angel Sanchez Castillejos has 4 from Dockerfile repos:
ryansun96 has 4 from Dockerfile repos:
  • calibre (2 ) A headless Calibre docker image to use its CLI
  • youtube-dl (2 ) Docker image to download videos from YouTube
Bruce Harrison has 3 from Dockerfile repos:
  • docker-prometheus-s3 (3 ) A simple wrapper on the Bitnami Prometheus image that allows fetching of config from an S3 bucket
Ian Harrier has 3 from Dockerfile repos:
Jamie Bowman has 3 from Dockerfile repos:
  • mbox (3 ) Microservice Docker Image for Development, Testing and Orchestration
  • azure-build-agent (0 ) Azure Build Agent with .NET 8, AZ CLI, Terraform
  • net-debugging (0 ) .NET Alpine debug base image
Sasha Scott has 2 from Dockerfile repos:
Asynchrony has 2 from Dockerfile repos:
Gregory Development has 2 from Dockerfile repos:
  • ubi-go (2 ) The Gregory Development RHEL[7, 8] Universal Container Golang Base Image Files
WWT has 2 from Dockerfile repos:
  • building-a-python-sdk (2 ) The goal of this repository is to provide an overview of how to create a Python SDK targeted at a couple of the Cisco product APIs. Yes...there are already SDKs created for these products, but the goal isn't develop a production quality SDK when one already exists, but to provide a guided walk-through to gain hands-on experience using many of the sktill learned.
1904labs has 1 from Dockerfile repos:
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