1,022 Jupyter Notebook users in St. Louis
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Jeff Heaton has 6,483 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- t81_558_deep_learning (5,740 ) T81-558: Keras - Applications of Deep Neural Networks @Washington University in St. Louis
- app_deep_learning (417 ) T81-558: PyTorch - Applications of Deep Neural Networks @Washington University in St. Louis
- app_generative_ai (134 ) T81-559: Applications of Generative Artificial Intelligence
Jordan W has 376 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- data-engineering-gcp (370 ) Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform
- reference-architecture (3 ) Template solution for an architecture for a particular domain
- reference-python (1 ) Reference frameworks, files, and folders written in Python
Tim Holy has 314 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- AdvancedScientificComputing (308 ) A short course on Julia and open-source software development
- IntroToJuliaWashU (6 ) A Jupyter notebook giving an overview of the Julia programming language
Shawn Presser has 214 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- colab-tricks (171 ) Tricks for Colab power users
- jaxnotes (20 ) (No description)
- stylegan-server (8 ) (No description)
Gregory Brunner has 130 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- programming-for-gis-and-rs (63 ) Materials for the Intro to Programming for GIS and Remote Sensing Course that I teach at Saint Louis University. They include the updates I made for the spring 2020 and fall 2020 semesters.
- adv-programming-for-gis-and-rs (46 ) My course materials for GIS 4091\5091, Advanced Programming for GIS and Remote Sensing. This is everything. Lectures, samples, notebooks, problems, and solutions.
- intro-prog-for-gis-rs (10 ) Materials for the Intro to Programming for GIS and Remote Sensing Course that I teach at Saint Louis University
Quan Nguyen has 108 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- bayesian-optimization-in-action (86 ) Source code for Bayesian Optimization in Action, published by Manning
- Deep-Learning-with-Google-Colab (8 ) GitHub repository for the Deep Learning with Google Colab online course, published by BPB Publications
- Genetic-Jigsaw-Solver (5 ) A genetic-algorithm approach to solving jigsaw puzzles
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center has 75 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- plantcv-workshop (15 ) PlantCV Workshops
- plantcv-v2-paper (10 ) PlantCV image analysis scripts used in the PlantCV v2.0 paper
- apps-phenotyping (9 ) The following are scripts and instruction necessary to set up 4 Raspberry Pi Powered Imaging Platforms
LaunchCoderGirl has 54 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- Data-Science-Assignments (54 ) Repository for the Data Science learning track to host assignments.
Peng Lu has 52 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- IMC_Denoise (52 ) IMC_Denoise: a software package to enhance Imaging Mass Cytometry - Nature Communications
sbhakat has 46 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- AF-cryptic-pocket (22 ) Cryptic pocket prediction using AlphaFold 2
- Plotting-MD-Metadynamics (11 ) Jupyter Notebook showing how to plot FES, histograms and time-series data using Matplotlib.
- PAP-review-inputs (4 ) How one can use binary classifiers, variational auto-encoder, TICA, PCA, distance and dihedral order parameters as CVs in context of pepsin-like aspartic proteases e.g. BACE1 and plasmepsin-II.
ryan has 44 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- spreadsheets-to-dataframes (35 ) Pycon 2021 Tutorial to help Spreadsheet (Excel) Users learn Python
- applied-economics (9 ) Applied Economic Forecasting Using Time Series Methods By Eric Ghysels, Massimiliano Marcellino (Python)
Alex Power[s] BI has 39 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- PowerBI-cmdlets (39 ) (No description)
Jon Taylor, Ph.D. has 35 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- twitch (29 ) Twitch stream notebooks
- example-scripts (3 ) Example Machine Learning Scripts for Numerai's Tournament
- FL_covid_data_notebooks (3 ) Gather Florida's Covid data directly from the ARCGIS REST API and save them as CSV files to your computer.
Shuhao Cao has 35 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- UCI-Math10 (33 ) This is the repository for Math 10 Intro to Programming for DataSci at UCI.
- wustl-math450 (2 ) Optimization Methods in Machine Learning at WUSTL, mainly a PyTorch 101
- Physics-informed-DeepONets (0 ) (No description)
Chandra Prakash Bathula has 32 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- Apparel-Recommendations (15 ) This project implements a personalized apparel recommendation engine using content-based search with the Amazon API, NLTK, and Keras libraries.
- Hierarchical-Clustering (3 ) Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm on Wine Clustering data with dendograms visualization.
- LLM_Project (2 ) (No description)
Binxu has 31 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- GAN-Geometry (24 ) Official Code for the paper "A Geometric Analysis of Deep Generative Image Models and Its Applications"
- Hyperbolic_Space_Art (2 ) (No description)
- Tone-Evoked-Potential-Data-Analysis (2 ) Project to analysis whole cell recording voltage trace in mice's auditory cortex , evoked by tones
Li Ding's Lab has 31 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- PanCan_snATAC_publication (16 ) (No description)
- mushroom (9 ) A computational tool for identification of 3D multi-modal spatial neighborhoods
- ancestry (3 ) Ancestry prediction from .bam files
Kamal B Dhungana has 27 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- OpenAI-Chat (17 ) (No description)
- customchat (5 ) (No description)
- PydanticAIAgent (3 ) (No description)
Pam Kellerman has 26 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- EDApt2Exercises (1 ) Juypter Notebook and Data Set for EDA part 2 Exercises
- EDA_pt2_studio (1 ) (No description)
- Nursing_Homes (1 ) A look into nursing homes in the US
millett has 24 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- pathology_learning (18 ) Using traditional machine learning and deep learning methods to predict stuff from TCGA pathology slides.
- cs230_project (6 ) CS230, Deep Learning, using VAE's and GMVAE's to characterize ICU data
- telypath (0 ) (No description)
OCI Labs - Object Computing, Inc. has 22 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- deep-gauge (22 ) Deep gauge (using Tensorflow to read gauges)
Abhishek Nagaraja has 21 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- Resnet-Image-Classification-Flask-App (17 ) (No description)
- Keras-Reinforcement-Learning-API-Cart-Pole- (2 ) (No description)
- Credit-Risk-Modeling (1 ) (No description)
Clayton A Davis has 19 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- card_codex (19 ) Magic: the Gathering card similarity search
- dbda-notes (0 ) (No description)
- Slides-IEA (0 ) Presentation on Social Media Analysis for the Indiana Evaluation Association
Salih Tutun, PhD has 19 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- comprhensive-interview-preparation (13 ) (No description)
- Agent-Based-Modeling-ABM--for-Terrorism (2 ) Understanding the behavior of a terrorist group is a complex phenomenon because of the uncertainty in strategies and tactics used by terrorists. In this regards, an agent-based modeling with network topology is used to model the system composed of interacting agents (attacks) and groups. The terrorist groups’ tactics are modeled based on the success rate of attacks and the defense level of a particular location. The proposed model is validated using real-world data of suicide attacks in Iraq. The model can be used to support governmental counterterrorism policy-making.
- fraud-detection-gnn (2 ) (No description)
realAngryAnalytics has 18 from Jupyter Notebook repos:
- angryanalyticsblog (15 ) (No description)
- irisClassificationMLOps (3 ) simple project to demonstrate MLOps workflow
- lgnsynapse (0 ) (No description)
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