Vim script

108 Vim script users in St. Louis

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Chris Oliver has 72 from Vim script repos:
  • dotfiles (72 ) My personal dotfiles for macOS: zsh, MacVim, iterm, and more.
Mark Volkmann has 55 from Vim script repos:
  • vim-react (27 ) A Vim plugin that provides functions that modify React source files
  • vim-js-arrow-function (16 ) changes a JavaScript anonymous function to an arrow function expression (ES 2015)
  • MyUnixEnv (12 ) my files for setting up a new Unix/Linux/Mac OS X environment
Bill Odom has 46 from Vim script repos:
Steven Stallion has 25 from Vim script repos:
  • vim-wtf (12 ) A variable contrast color scheme for terminal lovers
  • vim-whitespace (6 ) Vim plugin that finds and corrects common whitespace errors
  • dotfiles (3 ) Configuration Files
Sam Griesemer has 15 from Vim script repos:
  • vim-roam (11 ) A Roam-research-like plugin for Vim
  • wiki.vim (4 ) Development wiki.vim fork for vim-roam
  • vim-markdown (0 ) Markdown Vim Mode
Loren Carvalho has 6 from Vim script repos:
  • dotfiles (6 ) loren's dotfiles (git, neovim, python, bash)
Mark Borcherding has 5 from Vim script repos:
  • dotfiles (5 ) A collection of settings and scripts to keep my machines look and feel in sync.
Nathan Wallace has 5 from Vim script repos:
Dave Hayes has 4 from Vim script repos:
Randy Hancock has 4 from Vim script repos:
Albert Engelbrecht has 3 from Vim script repos:
  • nvim (3 ) My personal Neovim config
Albert Engelbrecht has 3 from Vim script repos:
  • nvim (3 ) My personal Neovim Config
Tom Bremer has 3 from Vim script repos:
Matthew Oden Potter has 2 from Vim script repos:
  • dotfiles (2 ) Various options and settings used for development across machines
Mike Steinert has 2 from Vim script repos:
Sam Messina has 2 from Vim script repos:
  • .files (2 ) 🐧 Config files
Steven Brien has 2 from Vim script repos:
  • dotfiles (2 ) Dotfiles and installer script for OSX
Benjamin R. J. Schwedler has 1 from Vim script repos:
  • .vim (1 ) vim config
Liang-Bo Wang has 1 from Vim script repos:
  • vim-pdb (1 ) (No description)
  • vim-snakemake (0 ) Snakemake syntax highlighting copied from the official Snakemake repository under misc/vim.
  • dotvim (0 ) (No description)
Jesse J. Cook has 1 from Vim script repos:
  • vimrc (1 ) My personal vimrc
Drew Walters has 1 from Vim script repos:
Dustin Specker has 1 from Vim script repos:
Glen Gibb has 1 from Vim script repos:
Michael Spencer has 1 from Vim script repos:
  • dotfiles (1 ) My dotfiles configuration
Mark Katerberg has 1 from Vim script repos:
  • grok-vim (1 ) useful vim configs for all
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