62 Arduino users in St. Louis
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Mark Heckler has 19 from Arduino repos:
- ArduinoGeigerCounter (16 ) Arduino code for use with Alibaba RadiationD-v1.1 Geiger counter board, basic use case.
- ArduinoPinTests (3 ) Sketches for testing Input and/or Output capabilities of designated pins of an Arduino or compatible board.
- HCSR04ThreeLights (0 ) Arduino + HCSR04 Proximity Sensor Test Sketch Using 3 LEDs
Jeff Geerling has 5 from Arduino repos:
- blinky (5 ) Arduino Uno LED testing.
John Klingler has 5 from Arduino repos:
- gradle-arduino (5 ) Gradle plugin for building and uploading Arduino sketches.
Hayden Shively has 4 from Arduino repos:
- DIY-Slow-Dance (4 ) helps replicate the functionality of the "Slow Dance" from Kickstarter
Justin Honold has 2 from Arduino repos:
- arduino-netrunner-click-tracker (2 ) (No description)
Christopher Schmitz has 2 from Arduino repos:
- sparkle-backpack (1 ) An sketch for the Adafruit Flora to light up neopixels on my daughters backpack when she walks.
- laser-cut-acrylic-sign-base (1 ) A laser cut base for an acrylic sign à la https://learn.adafruit.com/led-acrylic-sign/overview
- state-machine-logic-example (0 ) A _super simple_ example of a state machine with a verbose explanation so future me knows what he's looking at.
solarbit.cc has 2 from Arduino repos:
- arduino (2 ) SolarBit Mining Module Prototype
Adam Brakhane has 1 from Arduino repos:
- ELplusLED (1 ) (No description)
Aditya Karnam has 1 from Arduino repos:
- ArduinoBTCalculator (1 ) Android controlled Bluetooth based Arduino Calculator
Arch Reactor has 1 from Arduino repos:
- ArduinoIntro (1 ) (No description)
- PixyBot (0 ) (No description)
Jake Coffman has 1 from Arduino repos:
- arduino-security-system (1 ) Arduino security system (migrated from google code)
Kravitz Lab has 1 from Arduino repos:
- ROBucket (1 ) a low-cost operant chamber based on the Arduino microcontroller
Matt Gaidica, Ph.D. has 1 from Arduino repos:
- ArduinoWebDisplay (1 ) Arduino polling a web location and showing the status represented by LED's.
- Flicker_Tool_v1-0 (0 ) Critical Flicker Fusion Frequency with Adafruit Feather M0 Cortex
- Sprintr (0 ) Self-contained sprint track timer
Scott McCartney has 1 from Arduino repos:
- AutomaticDrinkDispenser (1 ) ECE303 Final Project. An automatic drink dispenser using an Arduino, liquid pump, water level sensor, and input buttons.
- RemoteControlCar (0 ) ECE387 Final project. A bluetooth remote control car using 2 Arduinos.
Rajagopal Venkat has 1 from Arduino repos:
- URC2017 (1 ) (No description)
Elias Basler has 0 from Arduino repos:
- arduino (0 ) Mass repo for all arduino projects
John Aughey has 0 from Arduino repos:
- jaime_rolla_bolla (0 ) (No description)
B has 0 from Arduino repos:
- nRF24-Esk8-Remote (0 ) A remote used to control an electric skateboard
Cameron Urban has 0 from Arduino repos:
- Clap (0 ) Code for a dorm room clap activated lighting module.
Chad Godsey has 0 from Arduino repos:
- CubettoPlayset-Sketches (0 ) Arduino sketches for Cubetto Playset
Chris Andrews has 0 from Arduino repos:
- spark-lights (0 ) Control LED lights wirelessly using a Spark Core
Chuck Housley has 0 from Arduino repos:
- nametag (0 ) (No description)
David Zemon has 0 from Arduino repos:
- GalileoTerminal (0 ) Simple terminal application for Arduino Galileo
Don Utley has 0 from Arduino repos:
- Lux_Relay_Light_Switch (0 ) Activates relay to turn on light by using light sensor aimed at reference light source
- kb_to_midi (0 ) (No description)
- getcurrent (0 ) (No description)
Andrew Dillon has 0 from Arduino repos:
- ArduinoObstacleEvasion (0 ) Avoid obstacles with your arduino robot.
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