
475 Go users in St. Louis

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Jake Coffman has 816 from Go repos:
  • cp (324 ) A pure Go physics library with no dependencies. Unofficial Chipmunk2D port.
  • cron (211 ) a cron library for go, updated to have removable jobs
  • gorunner (144 ) A Jenkins-like continuous integration server written in Go (Golang) and Angularjs.
Dustin L. Howett has 506 from Go repos:
  • go-plist (428 ) A pure Go Apple Property List transcoder
  • ranger (28 ) A Reader/ReaderAt for Go that uses Range requests to get files over HTTP
  • framework-secure-boot (26 ) Secure Boot certificates from the Framework Laptop
Asteris has 476 from Go repos:
  • converge (250 ) A powerful and easy-to-use configuration management system.
  • vaultfs (130 ) Vault filesystem (and Docker volume plugin)
  • gofpher (62 ) a collection of functional programming constructs for go
Daniel Ruggeri has 348 from Go repos:
Strange Loop has 323 from Go repos:
Tal has 234 from Go repos:
  • go-hcaptcha (151 ) A Go library for solving hCaptchas with any image recognition API.
  • worldcompute (29 ) live-computation, parsing, and saves of minecraft: bedrock servers
  • pixelart (13 ) A pixel art generation tool for Minecraft/Dragonfly.
Aaron Torres has 170 from Go repos:
  • go-cookbook (114 ) The open-source repository for all code and examples found in the Go Cookbook
  • gocolorize (56 ) Stateful ANSI coloring for Go
  • osin (0 ) Golang OAuth2 server library
Mike Steinert has 134 from Go repos:
  • pam (134 ) Go wrapper module for the Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) API
Kevin Fultz has 120 from Go repos:
  • go-dataframe (120 ) A simple package to abstract away the process of creating usable DataFrames for data analytics. This package is heavily inspired by the amazing Python library, Pandas.
Benjamin Ryan has 78 from Go repos:
  • r6-dissect (75 ) Match Replay API/CLI for Rainbow Six: Siege's Dissect (.rec) format.
  • star-citizen-rich-presence (3 ) Enhance your Discord profile with your Star Citizen status.
  • wails (0 ) Create desktop apps using Go and Web Technologies.
Aditya Karnam has 72 from Go repos:
Josh Varga has 60 from Go repos:
  • svgparser (43 ) Go SVG parser
  • blast (17 ) Golang library for both compressing and decompressing data in the PKWare Data Compression Library (DCL) compressed format, otherwise known as "explode" and "implode" which differ from PKZIP.
  • GoMNIST (0 ) GoMNIST is a Go driver for reading Yann LeCun's MNIST dataset of handwritten digits
WWT has 57 from Go repos:
  • guac (55 ) Apache Guacamole client ported to Go
  • go-vcloud-director (1 ) FORK see wiki for details
  • go-bigip (1 ) A Go package that interacts with F5 BIG-IP systems using the REST API.
Chris Schmich has 46 from Go repos:
  • piriscope (13 ) Livestream to Periscope from the Raspberry Pi
  • armv7hf-alpine-qemu (10 ) Alpine ARM Docker image with QEMU cross-build support
  • sfs (9 ) HTTP Static File Server and Proxy
James Dudley has 40 from Go repos:
Matt Crawford has 37 from Go repos:
  • goapp-mdc (12 ) go-app implementations of Material Components for the web
  • imgtofactbp (7 ) PWA that converts images to factorio blueprints
  • goappcreate (4 ) (No description)
Lenny Kean has 30 from Go repos:
  • pagoda (30 ) A simple template manager for go
Dustin Specker has 27 from Go repos:
Will Donnelly has 25 from Go repos:
  • passwd (21 ) A Go parser for the /etc/passwd file
  • dirhash (2 ) A simple extension of SHA-256 to operate on directories
  • people (2 ) Very basic Go library for generating fake data: names, usernames, emails, passwords, addresses, etc...
Justyn Temme has 20 from Go repos:
  • goMonitor (11 ) Monitor Your Server from a webpage
  • gobolt (3 ) (No description)
  • MooseChat (2 ) GPG encrypted Chat over the TOR network
Brad Urani has 19 from Go repos:
  • Gitfile (19 ) Installs git repos onto your system and keeps them up-to-date
  • go-git (0 ) Golang wrapper around Git commandline tools.
  • gocmdpev (0 ) A command-line GO Postgres query visualizer, heavily inspired by pev (https://github.com/AlexTatiyants/pev)
Cole Brumley has 19 from Go repos:
  • mssh-go (7 ) Cross platform multi-node SSH commands
  • consul-kv-backup (6 ) Backup Consul's KV store to a JSON file with TLS and HTTP basic auth support
  • tlspxy (3 ) A small TLS termination proxy
John Klingler has 19 from Go repos:
  • awstagger (13 ) A simple tool for bulk adding/updating/removing tags from AWS resources.
  • hdhr-signal-meter (6 ) A simple (rudimentary) signal meter for the HDHomeRun
MaryvilleDev has 17 from Go repos:
Nick Swekosky has 15 from Go repos:
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