
465 Go users in St. Louis

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Jake Coffman has 797 from Go repos:
  • cp (312 ) A pure Go physics library with no dependencies. Unofficial Chipmunk2D port.
  • cron (209 ) a cron library for go, updated to have removable jobs
  • gorunner (144 ) A Jenkins-like continuous integration server written in Go (Golang) and Angularjs.
Dustin L. Howett has 494 from Go repos:
  • go-plist (416 ) A pure Go Apple Property List transcoder
  • ranger (27 ) A Reader/ReaderAt for Go that uses Range requests to get files over HTTP
  • framework-secure-boot (26 ) Secure Boot certificates from the Framework Laptop
Asteris has 475 from Go repos:
  • converge (250 ) A powerful and easy-to-use configuration management system.
  • vaultfs (129 ) Vault filesystem (and Docker volume plugin)
  • gofpher (62 ) a collection of functional programming constructs for go
Strange Loop has 322 from Go repos:
Daniel Ruggeri has 317 from Go repos:
Tal has 233 from Go repos:
  • go-hcaptcha (150 ) A Go library for solving hCaptchas with any image recognition API.
  • worldcompute (30 ) live-computation, parsing, and saves of minecraft: bedrock servers
  • pixelart (13 ) A pixel art generation tool for Minecraft/Dragonfly.
Aaron Torres has 170 from Go repos:
  • go-cookbook (114 ) The open-source repository for all code and examples found in the Go Cookbook
  • gocolorize (56 ) Stateful ANSI coloring for Go
  • docker (0 ) Docker - the open-source application container engine
Mike Steinert has 133 from Go repos:
  • pam (133 ) Go wrapper module for the Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) API
Benjamin Ryan has 74 from Go repos:
  • r6-dissect (71 ) Match Replay API/CLI for Rainbow Six: Siege's Dissect (.rec) format.
  • star-citizen-rich-presence (3 ) Enhance your Discord profile with your Star Citizen status.
  • putio-desktop (0 ) A desktop client for put.io supporting multi-connection downloads & resuming downloads.
Aditya Karnam has 72 from Go repos:
Josh Varga has 57 from Go repos:
  • svgparser (40 ) Go SVG parser
  • blast (17 ) Golang library for both compressing and decompressing data in the PKWare Data Compression Library (DCL) compressed format, otherwise known as "explode" and "implode" which differ from PKZIP.
  • go-findfont (0 ) A platform-agnostic go (golang) library to easily locate truetype font files in your system's user and system font directories
WWT has 57 from Go repos:
  • guac (55 ) Apache Guacamole client ported to Go
  • go-vcloud-director (1 ) FORK see wiki for details
  • go-bigip (1 ) A Go package that interacts with F5 BIG-IP systems using the REST API.
Chris Schmich has 46 from Go repos:
  • piriscope (13 ) Livestream to Periscope from the Raspberry Pi
  • armv7hf-alpine-qemu (10 ) Alpine ARM Docker image with QEMU cross-build support
  • sfs (9 ) HTTP Static File Server and Proxy
James Dudley has 39 from Go repos:
Matt Crawford has 35 from Go repos:
  • goapp-mdc (12 ) go-app implementations of Material Components for the web
  • imgtofactbp (6 ) PWA that converts images to factorio blueprints
  • goappcreate (3 ) (No description)
Lenny Kean has 30 from Go repos:
  • pagoda (30 ) A simple template manager for go
Dustin Specker has 27 from Go repos:
Will Donnelly has 26 from Go repos:
  • passwd (22 ) A Go parser for the /etc/passwd file
  • people (2 ) Very basic Go library for generating fake data: names, usernames, emails, passwords, addresses, etc...
  • dirhash (2 ) A simple extension of SHA-256 to operate on directories
Brad Urani has 19 from Go repos:
  • Gitfile (19 ) Installs git repos onto your system and keeps them up-to-date
  • pgnetdetective (0 ) A tool for analyzing Postgres network traffic
  • awesome-go (0 ) A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
Cole Brumley has 19 from Go repos:
  • mssh-go (7 ) Cross platform multi-node SSH commands
  • consul-kv-backup (6 ) Backup Consul's KV store to a JSON file with TLS and HTTP basic auth support
  • tlspxy (3 ) A small TLS termination proxy
John Klingler has 19 from Go repos:
  • awstagger (13 ) A simple tool for bulk adding/updating/removing tags from AWS resources.
  • hdhr-signal-meter (6 ) A simple (rudimentary) signal meter for the HDHomeRun
Justyn Temme has 17 from Go repos:
  • goMonitor (11 ) Monitor Your Server from a webpage
  • MooseChat (2 ) GPG encrypted Chat over the TOR network
  • goCoinFetch (2 ) Library to grab cryptocoin tickers via the nexchange API
MaryvilleDev has 17 from Go repos:
Nick Swekosky has 15 from Go repos:
stldevs has 15 from Go repos:
  • stldevs (15 ) St. Louis developer profiles powered by Github stats
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