728 PHP users in St. Louis
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James Guo has 1,271 from PHP repos:
- Cloudflare-CNAME-Setup (1,245 ) (No description)
- Wheres-My-Offer (15 ) University Admission Portal Checker
- Full-Site-Cache-for-KeyCDN (10 ) This WordPress plugin allows full site acceleration for WordPress with KeyCDN, which gives you the advantages of free SSL, HTTP/2, GZIP and more.
Jeff Geerling has 1,124 from PHP repos:
- Ping (470 ) A PHP class to ping hosts.
- drupal-for-kubernetes (166 ) Drupal Example Site for Kubernetes
- shelly-plug-prometheus (68 ) Shelly Plug Prometheus exporter.
Andrew Paglusch has 431 from PHP repos:
- FlashPaper (431 ) One-time encrypted password/secret sharing
Michael Morgan (Mícheál) has 348 from PHP repos:
- kohana-storage (91 ) A storage abstraction supporting Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud Files, EMC Atmos, FTP and the local file system.
- kohana-restify (88 ) An interface for simplifying and testing RESTful requests.
- kohana-dataflow (49 ) Dataflow translates to or from XML, YAML, JSON, JSON-P and serialized PHP.
Charles Barnes has 276 from PHP repos:
- SPFtoolbox (276 ) SPFtoolbox is a Javascript and PHP app to look up DNS records such as SPF, MX, Whois, and more
Jordan Lev has 197 from PHP repos:
- c5_designer_content (40 ) Content block creator for the Concrete5 CMS
- c5_clean_block_templates (36 ) Easy-to-customize templates for Concrete5's built-in Autonav, Form, and Page List blocks
- c5_boilerplate_crud (35 ) Boilerplate code for basic dashboard CRUD operations in Concrete5
John Judy has 100 from PHP repos:
- sqrl (98 ) PHP Server side implementation of a SQRL generator/listener
- videoViewer (1 ) A video server system that helps stream locally stored videos via HTML5 or to a Roku box with Roksbox
- TvDb (1 ) PHPTVDB is a PHP library for accessing TV show information such as episodes, actors, showtimes and descriptions.
Goatella has 87 from PHP repos:
- Simple-PHP-Login (87 ) A very simple PHP script with MySQL backend to store usernames, passwords, and use cookies to protect a member's area.
Kevin McKee has 86 from PHP repos:
- teamsy (62 ) A sample multi-tenant application for Laravel using a single database. Watch the Laracasts series to see how this was built.
- laraconf (8 ) (No description)
- headless-livewire (7 ) Basic Laravel 7 app used to demonstrate Headless Livewire from the Laracasts lesson.
Kyle Cunningham has 78 from PHP repos:
- peroxide (42 ) A Drupal theme engine allowing the use of Haml templates and Sass stylesheets.
- phamlp (19 ) origin: http://code.google.com/p/phamlp/. The author didn't reply to my mail. (yet?). Unless that happens my changes to phamlp can be found here. Much more fixes have been contributed by: https://github.com/goncaloesteves/phamlp
- oxygen (10 ) A basic theme for Drupal using the peroxide theme engine.
David Hume has 76 from PHP repos:
- NaviCompass (23 ) PocketMine plugin that lets you transfer between your server network and worlds with a UI!
- Decorations (14 ) PocketMine plugin to add awesome custom geometry to your world purchasble by players!
- OreGen (12 ) PocketMine plugin to spawn ores in a cobblestone generator!
Tal has 71 from PHP repos:
- HiveCorruptor (38 ) The best solution to solidify your position in the MCPE server space.
- pizzaplug (27 ) Buy Domino's pizza from MCPE!
- AntiLoginForger (6 ) A quite hacky work around to prevent login replay attacks on PM3 servers.
Matthew Smith has 68 from PHP repos:
- respond (50 ) Angular 5 + Lumen PHP + Static HTML sites. Respond 7 is a responsive CMS that features Bootstrap 3, a complete REST API, templates, plugins, and more.
- triangulate-php-apache-api (8 ) PHP Apache API for Triangulate
- respond1 (8 ) (DEPRECATED) Responsive CMS used to build responsive sites using Bootstrap
Walker has 59 from PHP repos:
- incutio-php-http-client (17 ) This repository supports the continued development of the long moribund Incutio PHP HTTP Client Class. (Though this one is now fairly moribund, as well.)
- html5-boilerplate-for-wordpress (11 ) The HTML5 Boilerplate adapted into a WordPress template, including Bruce Lawson's HTML5 blog markup. This is walker trying to take Steve Heffernan's work further.
- campaign-monitor-post-api-component (6 ) A component for cakePHP allowing for use of the available POST methods from the Campaign Monitor API.
David Lynch has 43 from PHP repos:
- wp-rss-importer (19 ) (No description)
- simplecomic (11 ) Lightweight online comic publishing system, for the webcomic artist who just wants to put up comics
- wp-disqus-importer (10 ) Import a Disqus XML export into WordPress
Joe McGill has 37 from PHP repos:
- Cloudinary-WordPress-Integration-Demo (35 ) A plugin that demonstrates integrating Cloudinary with WordPress for generating responsive images.
- debug-media (1 ) Add media debugging info to the WordPress debug bar
- wp-profiler (1 ) A MU-Plugin for WordPress that simplifies setting up php-profiler
Matt Gaidica, Ph.D. has 37 from PHP repos:
- TinyPHP (21 ) Tiny PHP: A Fun PHP Minifier
- Timebomb.it (14 ) Secure password and data sharing via a shortlink.
- Rat-Brain-Atlas (1 ) (No description)
Chad Doebelin has 33 from PHP repos:
- askwolfram (31 ) Amazon Echo Skill "Ask Wolfram"
- alexacatfacts (2 ) alexa skill catfacts
- gatekeeper (0 ) turn on firewall rules with your mobile
Danny Holloran has 32 from PHP repos:
- wp-better-attachments (32 ) WordPress plugin that allows you to add/edit/attach/un-attach/sort the files attached to your WordPress posts all from the post editor. Integrates seamlessly with WordPress using the default WordPress attachments type and no configuration needed to add WP Better Attachments to custom post types.
- wp-github-recent-commit (0 ) Wordpress widget that grabs a random Octocat from the octodex and the latest commit from the master branch of a public GitHub repository
Danny Holloran has 31 from PHP repos:
- wp-better-attachments (31 ) WordPress plugin that allows you to add/edit/attach/un-attach/sort the files attached to your WordPress posts all from the post editor. Integrates seamlessly with WordPress using the default WordPress attachments type and no configuration needed to add WP Better Attachments to custom post types.
- wp-github-recent-commit (0 ) Wordpress widget that grabs a random Octocat from the octodex and the latest commit from the master branch of a public GitHub repository
Ryan Markel has 30 from PHP repos:
- https-all-the-things (26 ) Zeroconf HTTPS for WordPress frontends.
- marginal (4 ) Simple and semantic footnotes for WordPress.
- beacon (0 ) Simple podcasting for WordPress.
Har-Kuun has 29 from PHP repos:
- certificate-expiry-monitor_zh-CN (28 ) Chinese-Symplified version of the original certificate-expiry-monitor
- card-system (1 ) MJJ发卡系统, 欢迎使用, A simple card system
Sean Davis has 29 from PHP repos:
- simple-course-creator (17 ) Simple Course Creator is a WordPress plugin designed to easily link posts together in a series and output that series list in the content of each included post.
- twentyfourteen-edd (6 ) An Easy Digital Downloads ready child theme for WordPress' Twenty Fourteen theme
- full-width_s (4 ) A full-width HTML structure for the '_s' (Underscores) starter theme by Automattic. An explanation of the minimal HTML changes and CSS additions have been described in the README.md file. Credit Automattic for the starter theme https://github.com/Automattic/_s as well as the README description minus my additions.
Matt McCormick has 27 from PHP repos:
- git-php (7 ) Robust PHP web interface to git repositories.
- switchboard (4 ) Open-source call center software based on Twilio.
- issuebox (3 ) Simple, clean, issue tracking system.
Bullhorn has 25 from PHP repos:
- fast-rest (25 ) A Bullhorn Platform SDK tool. Automatically generate a PHP REST API from a database schema.
- fast-rest-services (0 ) (No description)
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