2,840 Python users in St. Louis
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Jeff Geerling has 10,443 from Python repos:
- ansible-for-devops (8,736 ) Ansible for DevOps examples.
- sbc-reviews (721 ) Jeff Geerling's SBC review data - Raspberry Pi, Radxa, Orange Pi, etc.
- pi-timelapse (305 ) Time-lapse app for Raspberry Pi computers.
David Lynch has 3,357 from Python repos:
- sublime-text-git (2,823 ) Plugin for some git integration into sublime text
- sublime-text-2-clipboard-history (188 ) Clipboard history plugin for Sublime Text 2
- leech (159 ) Turn a story on certain websites into an ebook for convenient reading
geekofweek has 1,398 from Python repos:
- homeassistant (1,398 ) Example Home Assistant Configs
- wideq (0 ) reverse-engineered client for the LG SmartThinQ API
- python-ecobee-api (0 ) Python API for controlling Ecobee Thermostats
GeospatialPython.com has 1,242 from Python repos:
- pyshp (1,114 ) This library reads and writes ESRI Shapefiles in pure Python.
- Learn (80 ) Code and data samples from GeospatialPython.com and Books
- geospatialpython (14 ) Code examples from GeospatialPython.com
Shawn Presser has 936 from Python repos:
- llama (188 ) Inference code for LLaMA models
- openai-server (184 ) OpenAI API webserver
- scrap (120 ) Nearly a thousand bash and python scripts I've written over the years.
Jared Forsyth has 727 from Python repos:
- vim-debug (283 ) A plugin for VIM that creates an Integrated Debugging Environment :) Currently works with PHP and Python
- codetalker (102 ) A succinct, pythonic parser + translator solution
- django-appsettings (88 ) A unified settings system for reusable django apps
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center has 706 from Python repos:
- plantcv (695 ) Plant phenotyping with image analysis
- htcondor-tools (3 ) A collection of scripts for building and running HTCondor jobs and workflows
- plantcv-geospatial (2 ) Geospatial add-on package to PlantCV
Leo has 678 from Python repos:
- End-to-end-DRL-for-FJSP (283 ) This is the official code of the publised paper 'A Multi-action Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem'
- DRL-and-graph-neural-network-for-routing-problems (217 ) This is the official code for the published paper 'Solve routing problems with a residual edge-graph attention neural network'
- Dispatching-rules-for-FJSP (86 ) This is the official code for the baseline methods of the publised paper 'A Multi-action Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem'
Ryan Seamus McGee has 668 from Python repos:
Kumar Challa has 656 from Python repos:
- Monitoring (646 ) Monitor ESXi, Synology, Docker, PiHole and Raspberry Pi and Windows using Grafana, InfluxDB and Telegraf
- simpleCloudDetect (10 ) Machine Learning based cloud detection for AllSky cameras
- mlCloudDetect (0 ) Cloud Detection using AllSky Cameras for Home Assistant
Jeff Heaton has 530 from Python repos:
- jh-kaggle-util (280 ) Jeff Heaton's Kaggle Utilities
- pyimgdata (113 ) (No description)
- mergelife (78 ) Evolve complex cellular automata with a genetic algorithm.
KrisCris has 399 from Python repos:
- Palworld-Pal-Editor (394 ) Palworld Pal Editor, the tool for Adding, Deleting, and Modifying Pals (and unlocking Viewing Cage for multiplayer) for Palworld Game Save, supports running on Docker, GUI, WebUI, and Cli.
- palworld-save-tools (3 ) Tools for converting Palworld .sav files to JSON and back
- CSE412-Intro2AI-Pacman (1 ) WUSTL CSE412 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Pacman Game
Ira Hall lab has 317 from Python repos:
Tristen Harr has 257 from Python repos:
- MyPyBuilder (212 ) (No description)
- api2db (45 ) Python Data Collection Library
- Scrapely (0 ) Homework Project V0.2
Computational Imaging Group (CIG) has 219 from Python repos:
- DeCAF (48 ) (No description)
- Cooridnate-based-Internal-Learning (23 ) The codebase for 'CoIL: Coordinate-based Internal Learning for Tomographic Imaging'
- RARE (21 ) Demo code for RARE
Zach Cheatham has 209 from Python repos:
- ha-omada (203 ) Home Assistant TP-Link Omada Integration
- ha-lighting-manager (3 ) Manage lighting layers for multi-functional Home Assistant lights.
- ha-tuya-local (2 ) Home Assistant Integration for Tuya Devices via LAN
Todd Heitmann has 189 from Python repos:
- PetroPy (185 ) A petrophysics python package for geoscience python computing of conventional and unconventional formation evaluation. Reads las files and creates a pandas dataframe of the log data. Includes a basic petrophysical workflow and a simple log viewer based on XML templates.
- mlbgameday (4 ) A python API for MLBAM gameday data. Stores data using SQLAlchemy. Returns data in PANDAS data frames.
Dave Schmid has 170 from Python repos:
- weatherflow-collector (85 ) The WeatherFlow Collector is a comprehensive data collection system that gathers weather data from local UDP broadcasts and remote APIs. It seamlessly feeds this data into InfluxDB V2, which can be visualized using a set of pre-configured Grafana dashboards. The application provides real-time current conditions and detailed forecasts.
- kasa-collector (48 ) Kasa Collector provides a way of collecting real-time energy data from Kasa Smart Plugs. These Grafana dashboards offer visualizations for their Current, Voltage, Power, and Total Watt Hours.
- sense-collector (27 ) Sense Collector provides a way of collecting real-time data from the Sense Energy Monitor. Includes Grafana dashboards for visualizations of detected devices and smart plugs and their wattage, voltage, and amp utilization.
TREE Industries has 169 from Python repos:
- Blender-GPT (125 ) An all-in-one Blender assistant powered by GPT3/4 + Whisper integration
- desktop-control (11 ) Skill For Mycroft AI to control a mouse and keyboard
- bedtime-stories-skill (10 ) (No description)
AT&T Community Development has 152 from Python repos:
- armada (78 ) This project has moved to OpenStack.
- prometheus-openstack-exporter (29 ) (No description)
- shipyard (16 ) This project has moved to OpenStack.
Tom Earnest has 145 from Python repos:
Sourav Bhadra has 130 from Python repos:
- raster4ml (122 ) A geospatial raster processing library for machine learning
- prosail-viz (7 ) A visualization tool for PROSAIL simulation from given input parameters
- maplapse (1 ) A python library to create animated timelapse of maps
Shuhao Cao has 126 from Python repos:
- galerkin-transformer (113 ) [NeurIPS 2021] Galerkin Transformer: a linear attention without softmax
- kaggle-jane-street (7 ) Machine learning models to predict realtime financial market data provided by Jane Street
- bms-molecular-translation (2 ) (No description)
Li Ding's Lab has 125 from Python repos:
- CharGer (98 ) Characterization of Germline variants
- fuscia (6 ) Detection of chimeric transcripts (aka fusions) from barcoded single cell RNA-seq
- germline_variant_snakemake (5 ) Snakemake workflow to call germline variant
ryan has 116 from Python repos:
- py-sec-edgar (105 ) Python application used to download, parse, and extract structured/unstructured data from filings in the SEC Edgar Database (including 10-K, 10-Q, 13-D, S-1, 8-K, etc.)
- zmq-high-speed-subs (11 ) Example of High-Speed Subscriber Patterns in ZeroMQ
- busy-beaver (0 ) The Chicago Python Community Engagement Slack bot
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