
2,519 Python users in St. Louis

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Jeff Geerling has 8,792 from Python repos:
David Lynch has 3,343 from Python repos:
geekofweek has 1,294 from Python repos:
  • homeassistant (1,294 ) Example Home Assistant Configs
  • wideq (0 ) reverse-engineered client for the LG SmartThinQ API
  • python-ecobee-api (0 ) Python API for controlling Ecobee Thermostats has 1,179 from Python repos:
  • pyshp (1,066 ) This library reads and writes ESRI Shapefiles in pure Python.
  • Learn (74 ) Code and data samples from and Books
  • geospatialpython (12 ) Code examples from
Shawn Presser has 901 from Python repos:
  • llama (189 ) Inference code for LLaMA models
  • openai-server (177 ) OpenAI API webserver
  • scrap (111 ) Nearly a thousand bash and python scripts I've written over the years.
Jared Forsyth has 725 from Python repos:
  • vim-debug (283 ) A plugin for VIM that creates an Integrated Debugging Environment :) Currently works with PHP and Python
  • codetalker (101 ) A succinct, pythonic parser + translator solution
  • django-appsettings (88 ) A unified settings system for reusable django apps
Ryan Seamus McGee has 650 from Python repos:
  • seirsplus (648 ) Models of SEIRS epidemic dynamics with extensions, including network-structured populations, testing, contact tracing, and social distancing.
  • pycrobe (2 ) A simple package for simulations of microbial growth experiments with realistic sources of error.
Kumar Challa has 635 from Python repos:
  • Monitoring (635 ) Monitor ESXi, Synology, Docker, PiHole and Raspberry Pi and Windows using Grafana, InfluxDB and Telegraf
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center has 606 from Python repos:
  • plantcv (598 ) Plant phenotyping with image analysis
  • htcondor-tools (3 ) A collection of scripts for building and running HTCondor jobs and workflows
  • plantcv-geospatial (1 ) Geospatial add-on package to PlantCV
Jeff Heaton has 511 from Python repos:
  • jh-kaggle-util (279 ) Jeff Heaton's Kaggle Utilities
  • pyimgdata (106 ) (No description)
  • mergelife (73 ) Evolve complex cellular automata with a genetic algorithm.
Ira Hall lab has 308 from Python repos:
  • svtools (140 ) Tools for processing and analyzing structural variants.
  • svtyper (120 ) Bayesian genotyper for structural variants
  • gtex (20 ) GTEx analysis scripts
Tristen Harr has 256 from Python repos:
Zach Cheatham has 175 from Python repos:
  • ha-omada (172 ) Home Assistant TP-Link Omada Integration
  • ha-tuya-local (2 ) Home Assistant Integration for Tuya Devices via LAN
  • ha-lighting-manager (1 ) Manage lighting layers for multi-functional Home Assistant lights.
Todd has 173 from Python repos:
  • PetroPy (170 ) A petrophysics python package for geoscience python computing of conventional and unconventional formation evaluation. Reads las files and creates a pandas dataframe of the log data. Includes a basic petrophysical workflow and a simple log viewer based on XML templates.
  • mlbgameday (3 ) A python API for MLBAM gameday data. Stores data using SQLAlchemy. Returns data in PANDAS data frames.
TREE Industries has 152 from Python repos:
AT&T Community Development has 151 from Python repos:
Computational Imaging Group (CIG) has 145 from Python repos:
Shuhao Cao has 126 from Python repos:
Sourav Bhadra has 122 from Python repos:
  • raster4ml (116 ) A geospatial raster processing library for machine learning
  • prosail-viz (5 ) A visualization tool for PROSAIL simulation from given input parameters
  • maplapse (1 ) A python library to create animated timelapse of maps
Tom Earnest has 121 from Python repos:
  • seedir (105 ) A Python package for creating, editing, and reading folder tree diagrams
  • wubwub (8 ) Create mini sequencer music with Python
  • FED3_Viz (4 ) a GUI for plotting FED3 data
Li Ding's Lab has 111 from Python repos:
  • CharGer (92 ) Characterization of Germline variants
  • germline_variant_snakemake (5 ) Snakemake workflow to call germline variant
  • fuscia (4 ) Detection of chimeric transcripts (aka fusions) from barcoded single cell RNA-seq
Jake Coffman has 107 from Python repos:
  • flask-tutorial (91 ) Source code for video tutorial series
  • falcon_example (6 ) Example implementation of Python Falcon REST server with angular frontend.
  • flask-bootstrap (6 ) a bootstrap project for Python's Flask, Twitter Bootstrap, and JQuery
Chris Oliver has 103 from Python repos:
ryan has 102 from Python repos:
  • py-sec-edgar (92 ) Python application used to download, parse, and extract structured/unstructured data from filings in the SEC Edgar Database (including 10-K, 10-Q, 13-D, S-1, 8-K, etc.)
  • zmq-high-speed-subs (10 ) Example of High-Speed Subscriber Patterns in ZeroMQ
  • apd-core (0 ) Core repo for
Benjamin Sumlin has 99 from Python repos:
  • PyMieScatt (94 ) A collection of forward and inverse Mie solving routines for Python 3, based on Bohren and Huffman's Mie Theory derivations
  • rpi_ad7606 (5 ) Python library for interfacing an Analog Devices AD7606 to a Raspberry Pi
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