
183 Rust users in St. Louis

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Brian Hicks has 515 from Rust repos:
  • tree-grepper (306 ) Like grep, but uses tree-sitter grammars to search
  • nix-script (182 ) write scripts in compiled languages that run in the nix ecosystem, with no separate build step
  • elm-duet (19 ) (No description)
Benjamin Kay has 341 from Rust repos:
Jared Forsyth has 256 from Rust repos:
  • veoluz (151 ) "I see light" - visualize the paths of millions of light rays through reflection, refraction and diffusion
  • terraform (53 ) rust + usgs data = 3d-printable models of mountains, canyons, etc.
  • rusty-automata (29 ) Cellular Automata in Rust
Adam Gausmann has 97 from Rust repos:
  • declio (30 ) Declarative I/O. Write bidirectional encoders for binary formats with ease!
  • perftree (26 ) Perft debugger. Compare your chess engine to Stockfish and quickly find discrepancies in move generation.
  • FlipFlop (6 ) A digital logic simulator built on simple rules.
Michael Spencer has 41 from Rust repos:
  • oxide (16 ) :computer: A toy operating system built with Rust
  • aeropi-rs (8 ) :helicopter: DIY RaspberryPi quadcopter flight controller in Rust
  • oxygen (7 ) Oxygen F7 flight controller
Sabree Blackmon has 33 from Rust repos:
  • rust-iterator-emoji (28 ) Learn Rust iterator methods via emoji
  • simple-secrets (3 ) Simple API driven secrets store written in Rust for demo purposes
  • rusty-datatypes (1 ) Procedural generators for singletons, including newtypes & sigma types (dependent pairs), and advanced algebraic datatypes without boilerplate.
Neil Kistner has 11 from Rust repos:
  • rust-book-examples (11 ) Working through the chapters of the book and writing the examples.
  • paperclip (0 ) WIP OpenAPI tooling for Rust.
  • (0 ) Rust Language Cheat Sheet -
Jim Berlage has 10 from Rust repos:
Bryan Maynard has 9 from Rust repos:
Brad Urani has 8 from Rust repos:
Jordan Gregory has 8 from Rust repos:
Mark Volkmann has 6 from Rust repos:
David Zemon has 5 from Rust repos:
Ezra Ellette has 5 from Rust repos:
  • g29 (4 ) Fast library for the Logitech G29 steering wheel
  • advent-of-code-2022 (1 ) (No description)
  • screenpipe (0 ) 24/7 local AI screen & mic recording. Build AI apps that have the full context. Works with Ollama. Alternative to Open. Secure. You own your data. Rust.
Michael T Schmidt has 5 from Rust repos:
  • rmcmc (4 ) An Markov Chain Monte Carlo system for Rust.
  • ipwatch (1 ) Restart an application when an ip address changes using Linux netlink sockets
  • xurls (0 ) Simple Rust version of xurls
Keenan Wilkinson has 5 from Rust repos:
Patrick Brannan has 4 from Rust repos:
Brent Lab has 4 from Rust repos:
  • Dual_Threshold_Optimization (4 ) Dual Threshold Optimization compares two ranked lists of features (e.g. genes) to determine the rank threshold for each list that minimizes the hypergeometric p-value of the overlap of features. It then calculates a permutation based empirical p-value and an FDR
Abadi Kurniawan has 3 from Rust repos:
Tim Dalton has 3 from Rust repos:
  • druid-sandbox (2 ) Minor projects I've been doing to evaluate/learn the Druid UI toolkit for Rust (
  • omxserver (1 ) Minimum web server playing video files on a Raspberry Pi using omxplayer
  • rustkatas (0 ) (No description)
KrisCris has 3 from Rust repos:
Michael Madden has 3 from Rust repos:
  • tenure (2 ) Get the diff between two dates
  • black-hat-rust (1 ) Deep dive into offensive security with the rust programming language - Early access
  • sd (0 ) Intuitive find & replace CLI (sed alternative)
Nestor Wheelock has 3 from Rust repos:
  • sfz (1 ) A simple static file serving command-line tool written in Rust.
  • gitdone (1 ) A simple wrapper for git written in rust that makes it faster and therefore more likely to save work.
  • zoxide (1 ) A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells.
Rusty Hoppins has 3 from Rust repos:
  • temperature_scale_converter (3 ) My first ever completely self written Rust program it is a temperature converter that converts the chosen scale to the chosen scale based on temperature in the scale to convert from.
  • blood_lang (0 ) This is a WIP as of this time but the goal is to create a fully functional standalone (needs no libraries) programming language called Blood. Don't you want to be able to say your program was written in Blood?
  • hexadeck (0 ) A Game built in Rust and WASM
Ryan Coleman has 3 from Rust repos:
  • threadr (3 ) A node.js module for spawning processes in separate threads
  • o-dam (0 ) A digital asset manager built for flexibility and speed
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