48 Elixir users in St. Louis
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Zach Schneider has 290 from Elixir repos:
- socializer (290 ) A basic social media application to demonstrate Elixir + Phoenix + GraphQL + React + Apollo
- crutches (0 ) Some Elixir support
- zenixir (0 ) Elixir Zendesk API Client http://developer.zendesk.com/
Avdi Grimm has 244 from Elixir repos:
- dotenv_elixir (231 ) A port of dotenv to Elixir
- fp_oo_elx (13 ) (No description)
- dictionary (0 ) Learning Elixir
Matthew Oden Potter has 67 from Elixir repos:
- libvault (44 ) A flexible, configurable vault library.
- Elixir-HttpBuilder (15 ) A DSL for building chainable, composable HTTP requests. API structure taken from the lovely elm-http-builder
- rss_watcher (3 ) Module for watching RSS feeds, and dispatching updates when they change.
Tony Pitale has 46 from Elixir repos:
Benjamin Lee has 3 from Elixir repos:
- whoppex (3 ) Erlixir based load generation tool
Dustin Specker has 3 from Elixir repos:
- conjunction (3 ) Combine a list of strings with a conjunction
- exercism (0 ) (No description)
- learning_phoenix (0 ) (No description)
Brian Hicks has 2 from Elixir repos:
- elm-guardian (2 ) pre-build server for Elm packages
- weirdbot (0 ) some weird mastodon thing
- testplug (0 ) (No description)
wschroeder has 2 from Elixir repos:
- elixir-debug-demo (1 ) Demo for remote debugging in Elixir
- elixir_number_guess (1 ) Playing around with Elixir, OTP, and tooling by implementing the Number Guess game
- kazan (0 ) Kubernetes API client for Elixir
Frank Taylor has 1 from Elixir repos:
James Carr has 1 from Elixir repos:
- elixir-learning (1 ) A repository of exercises for re-learning elixir.
- advent_of_code (0 ) Advent of Code solutions in elixir
- elixir-koans (0 ) Small exercises to discover elixir by testing
Jack Flowers has 1 from Elixir repos:
- icky_venus (1 ) Example application using HTMX and Bandit on Elixir
- wavy_bird (0 ) Codebase for Dev Tool Belt
- blue_mint (0 ) Web application for playing board games
Adam Bowen has 0 from Elixir repos:
- distillery (0 ) A pure Elixir implementation of release packaging functionality for the Erlang VM
- connect_four (0 ) (No description)
- adventofcode (0 ) (No description)
Tony L has 0 from Elixir repos:
- elixir-phoenix-project (0 ) (No description)
Marc Trius has 0 from Elixir repos:
- elixir-in-action (0 ) Code samples for Elixir in Action book
Andrew Benz has 0 from Elixir repos:
- phoenix-blog (0 ) Going though a tutorial building a simple blog engine using Phoenix and Elixir
- functional-web-applications (0 ) App from the Functional Web Applications book
- distillery (0 ) A pure Elixir implementation of release packaging functionality for the Erlang VM
Brad Urani has 0 from Elixir repos:
- dangerouscrossing (0 ) (No description)
- ecto (0 ) A database wrapper and language integrated query for Elixir
- phoenix (0 ) Productive. Reliable. Fast.
Alison Hawke has 0 from Elixir repos:
- tdd-elixir (0 ) TDD Elixir, the tests are here but the code to make them run is not.
BrooksPoltl has 0 from Elixir repos:
- gaga (0 ) (No description)
- elixir-learning (0 ) https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-elixir-and-phoenix-bootcamp-and-tutorial
Matt Todd has 0 from Elixir repos:
- github-scorer-elixir (0 ) (No description)
Chad has 0 from Elixir repos:
- reactive-interaction-gateway (0 ) Real-time UI events through CloudEvents subscriptions. Your UI deserves an API, too!
Christopher Schmitz has 0 from Elixir repos:
- reticulum (0 ) Phoenix web server for hubs.mozilla.com
Chuck Housley has 0 from Elixir repos:
- advent2017 (0 ) Solutions for Advent of Code 2017
- etudes-for-elixir (0 ) Companion exercises for Introducing Elixir
- cltest (0 ) (No description)
Daniel Errante has 0 from Elixir repos:
- custom_rpi3 (0 ) (No description)
- elixir-file-uploader-demo (0 ) (No description)
- elixir-game-of-life (0 ) (No description)
Daniel Fehrenbach has 0 from Elixir repos:
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