170 MATLAB users in St. Louis

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Roman Garnett has 122 from MATLAB repos:
  • active_learning (46 ) Active learning toolbox for MATLAB
  • gpml_extensions (31 ) Provides various extensions to the GPML toolbox for Gaussian process inference in MATLAB.
  • active_gp_hyperlearning (15 ) Active learning of GP hyperparameters following Garnett, et al., "Active Learning of Linear Embeddings for Gaussian Processes," (UAI 2014).
Ayan Chakrabarti has 100 from MATLAB repos:
  • mdepth (50 ) Depth from a Single Image by Harmonizing Overcomplete Local Network Predictions
  • ndeblur (41 ) A Neural Approach to Blind Motion Deblurring
  • rgbps (9 ) Single-shot RGB-PS With Spatially-varying Albedo
WUSM Human Connectome Project has 67 from MATLAB repos:
  • cifti-matlab (65 ) MATLAB code for reading and writing CIFTI connectivity files
  • megconnectome (2 ) MEG data processing pipelines for the HCP Young Adult project
Washington University School of Medicine Optical Radiology Labs has 23 from MATLAB repos:
  • NeuroDOT_Beta (13 ) A beta release of NeuroDOT, an extensible Matlab toolbox for efficient optical brain mapping. Official release located at:
  • NeuroDOT (8 ) Official release of NeuroDOT, an extensible Matlab toolbox for efficient optical brain mapping
  • NetworkLevelAnalysis_v1.0 (1 ) (No description)
Gustavo Malkomes has 18 from MATLAB repos:
  • abo (8 ) Automating Bayesian optimization with Bayesian optimization
  • automated_model_selection (5 ) Bayesian optimization for automated model selection (BOMS)
  • active_gp_learning (5 ) This package provides a set of tools for performing active-learning with Gaussian Processes.
Hanyang Liu has 16 from MATLAB repos:
  • BCLS (9 ) MATLAB code of "Balanced Clustering with Least Square Regression"
  • SOGE (7 ) MATLAB code for "Semi-supervised Orthogonal Graph Embedding with Recursive Projections"
Fei Tan has 14 from MATLAB repos:
  • ztran (10 ) Solution of Dynamic Incomplete Information Models
  • dsge-svt (4 ) An Econometric Toolkit for High-Dimensional DSGE Models with SV and t Errors
  • dsge-sv-affine (0 ) Estimation of Macro-Finance DSGE Models with SV and Affine Solution
Flocculus has 14 from MATLAB repos:
  • Saliency-Detection-Algorithm-via-Multi-Level-Graph-Structure-and-Accurate-Background-Queries-Select (6 ) In the field of saliency detection, many graph-based algorithms use boundary pixels as background seeds to estimate the background and foreground saliency,which leads to significant errors in some of pictures. In addition, local context with high contrast will mislead the algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel multilevel bottom-up saliency detection approach that accurately utilizes the boundary information and takes advantage of both region-based features and local image details. To provide more accurate saliency estimations, we build a three-level graph model to capture both region-based features and local image details. By using superpixels of all four boundaries, we first roughly figure out the foreground superpixels. After calculating the RGB distances between the average of foreground superpixels and every boundary superpixel, we discard the boundary superpixels with the longest distance to get a set of accurate background boundary queries. Finally, we propose the regularized random walks ranking to formulate pixel-wise saliency maps. Experiment results on two public datasets indicate the significantly promoted accuracy and robustness of our proposed algorithm in comparison with 7 state-of-the-art saliency detection approaches.
  • Gram-Filtering-and-Sinogram-Interpolation-for-Pixel-basis-in-Parallel-beam-X-ray-CT-Reconstruction (5 ) The key aspect of parallel-beam X-ray CT is forward and back projection, but its computational burden continues to be an obstacle for applications. We propose to use pixel-basis to improve the performance of related algorithms. In addition, the detector blur effect can be included in our model efficiently. The improvements in speed and quality for back projection and iterative reconstruction are shown in our experiments on both analytical phantoms and real CT images.
  • B-lines-Detection-and-Evaluation-in-Thorax-Ultrasound-Video (3 ) Due to its convenient real time, non-invasive detection, lung ultrasound is an excellent diagnostic tool in researches related to pulmonary congestion. However, its objective assessment remains elusive. Currently, the detection and evaluation of pulmonary congestion largely rely on manual detection of B-lines by ultrasound specialists. In this paper, I propose an automatic method to detect Blines.
Nathan Dauber has 12 from MATLAB repos:
Srinivas Bavisetti has 11 from MATLAB repos:
Neal Patwari has 10 from MATLAB repos:
  • locationCRB (8 ) Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for Rx Power, TOA, AOA, and quantized Rx Power measurements
  • plotROC (2 ) Matlab code for computing and plotting a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve
  • letter-entropy (0 ) Calculate the entropy per letter (multiple letter sequence) in Matlab from a source text (e.g., Romeo and Juliet)
Addison Elliott has 9 from MATLAB repos:
  • matnrrd (9 ) MATLAB NRRD library that provides easy-to-use functions to load and save NRRD files.
David Gillis has 9 from MATLAB repos:
Lew Lab has 8 from MATLAB repos:
  • Deep-SMOLM (4 ) Deep-SMOLM is an estimator for estimating 3D orientation and 2D position of dipole-like emitters for single-molecule orientation localization microscopy.
  • RoSE-O (3 ) RoSE-O (Robust Statistical Estimation algorithm for single-molecule Orientation measurement) is a software package written in MATLAB to analyze single-molecule orientation & localization microscopy (SMLM) data.
  • RoSE-O_POLCAM (1 ) RoSE-O adapted for SMOLM using polarization camera. Can also be modified to work with other single-channel imaging systems.
Shali Jiang has 8 from MATLAB repos:
Weizhi Du has 8 from MATLAB repos:
  • coalition-control-model (8 ) Coalition Control Model(CCM) based on Model Predictive Control(MPC) with a fishing model to distribute fishing fleets to maximize fish caught with exhaustive/heuristic search. Our method introduces communication mechanisms to allow individuals to merge/split, after which new coalitions can be automatically formed through the Nash-Bargaining process
Ryan Raut has 7 from MATLAB repos:
  • lag-code (7 ) Code for computing cross-correlation (lags) and autocorrelation (intrinsic timescales) from multivariate time series. Optimized for fMRI data
  • arousal-waves (0 ) MATLAB code and data files related to Raut et al. 2021 Science Advances
  • intrinsic-timescales (0 ) MATLAB code and data files related to Raut et al. 2020 PNAS
Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory (CPSL) has 7 from MATLAB repos:
Daniel Combest has 5 from MATLAB repos:
Matthew Donaldson has 5 from MATLAB repos:
  • Design-of-Thermal-Systems (2 ) Analysis and design of advanced thermo-fluid systems, including phase change and gas power and refrigeration cycles, combustion reactions, gas mixtures, and thermodynamic relations. Students work on thermodynamic design projects, both individually and as groups. Topics include, for example, geothermal power generation, alternative transportation systems, jet turbines, and fuel combustion analysis.
  • Asthma_Prediction (1 ) Predicting the severity of asthma attacks based on a data set with ten features(gender, age, outdoor job, outdoor activity, if they smoke, humidity, temperature, pressure, UV index and wind speed). In this project we aim to go through the data analytics process to come up with a good model for predicting asthma attack severity. The dataset was taken from Haque, Radiah. “1191402606/Optimised-Deep-Neural-Network-Model: Dataset and Source Code.” Zenodo, 26 Aug. 2021,
  • Modeling-Simulation-and-Controls (1 ) This course is a study of modeling and control of physical systems. Topics include: block diagram representation of single and multi-loop systems, control system components, transient and steady-state performance, stability analysis, Nyquist, Bode, and root locus diagrams, compensation using lead, lag and lead-lag networks, design synthesis by Bode plots and root-locus diagrams, state-variable techniques, state-transition matrix, state- variable feedback.
Kyle Dawson has 5 from MATLAB repos:
  • CATCH (3 ) This package provides code and datafiles necessary to classify model output of atmospheric aerosol chemical composition into aerosol types. This algorithm is proprietary software owned by North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC (however, the source code is provided until I am forced to take it down). Contact to use
  • hsrltool (2 ) A GUI tool to read NASA HSRL HDF5 files. Other functions grab file info and quickly plot data.
Wouter Kool has 5 from MATLAB repos:
  • demandavoidance (3 ) Tasks for "Decision making and the avoidance of cognitive demand" (Kool et al., 2010)
  • selfcontrol (2 ) Data for "Neural and behavioral evidence for an intrinsic cost of self-control" (Kool et al., 2013)
  • ccnl-fmri (0 ) fmri analysis tools
Zhen Zhang has 5 from MATLAB repos:
Aritra Das has 4 from MATLAB repos:
Dikshya Swain has 4 from MATLAB repos:
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