444 R users in St. Louis

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Joshua Ulrich has 1,636 from R repos:
  • quantmod (841 ) Quantitative Financial Modelling Framework
  • TTR (338 ) Technical analysis and other functions to construct technical trading rules with R
  • xts (221 ) Extensible time series class that provides uniform handling of many R time series classes by extending zoo.
Kevin Blake, PhD has 245 from R repos:
  • NatParksPalettes (242 ) Color palette package inspired by National Parks
  • ConPosER (3 ) Identify conserved positions in amino acid multiple sequence alignments in R
  • ganttGenerator (0 ) Generates project timeline figures
Chris Miller has 223 from R repos:
  • fishplot (166 ) Create timecourse "fish plots" that show changes in the clonal architecture of tumors
  • readDepth (32 ) R package for inferring copy number from read depth
  • copyCat (23 ) a parallel R package for detecting copy-number alterations from short sequencing reads
Chris Prener has 159 from R repos:
  • biscale (118 ) Bivariate Mapping with ggplot2
  • censusxy (20 ) R package for calling the U.S. Census Bureau's Geocoder API
  • qualmap (16 ) R package for working with semi-structured qualitative GIS data
Ha X. Dang has 149 from R repos:
  • clonevol (147 ) Inferring and visualizing clonal evolution in multi-sample cancer sequencing
  • trees (1 ) Simulate and plot trees in R
  • sciclone (1 ) An R package for inferring the subclonal architecture of tumors
The McDonnell Genome Institute has 136 from R repos:
  • sciclone (117 ) An R package for inferring the subclonal architecture of tumors
  • sciclone-meta (9 ) accessory scripts and documentation related to the sciclone R package at genome/sciclone
  • docker-rnaseq (4 ) A fat docker image for running RnaSeq
SLU Data Science Seminar openGIS Project has 106 from R repos:
  • postmastr (37 ) R package for Processing and Parsing Untidy Street Addresses
  • tidyseg (13 ) R package with tidy approaches for calculating measures of segregation
  • covid_daily_viz_archive (9 ) Daily tracking of Missouri COVID Data
Li Ding's Lab has 98 from R repos:
theHumanBorch has 92 from R repos:
  • utility (84 ) Collection of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocyte Single-Cell Experiments with TCR
  • exigence (4 ) (No description)
  • CellPilot (4 ) (No description)
Ben Mansfeld has 74 from R repos:
  • QTLseqr (72 ) QTLseqr is an R package for QTL mapping using NGS Bulk Segregant Analysis
  • CMD2_project (1 ) Scripts for genetic mapping of CMD2 locus and RNAseq for the CMD2 project
  • mfusca_figs (1 ) Malus
Ryan J. Price has 63 from R repos:
  • loggit (38 ) Modern Logging for the R Ecosystem
  • readit (24 ) [RETIRED] Effortlessly Read Any Rectangular Data Into R
  • stl_rug (1 ) Materials for STL R User Group presentations
Obi Griffith has 60 from R repos:
Christopher Lucas has 50 from R repos:
  • translateR (20 ) R Package for Cross-Language Topic Modeling
  • MatchingFrontier (18 ) Optimal pruning for imbalance minimization in causal inference
  • transcribeR (10 ) R Package for Automated Speech Recognition
Keith Lohse has 40 from R repos:
  • LMER_Clinical_Science (19 ) Linear Mixed Effect Regression for Clinical Scientists
  • ReproRehab (6 ) R programming exercises for learners enrolled in ReproRehab
  • LMER_v_RM_ANOVA (4 ) Comparison of linear mixed-effect regression to repeated-measures analysis of variance for dealing with longitudinal data
Haojia Wu has 37 from R repos:
Austin F. Frank has 36 from R repos:
  • R-hacks (33 ) useful bits of code for programming and analysis in R
  • bgm-jags (3 ) Using JAGS to re-implement examples and problems from Lee and Wagenmaker's "Bayesian Graphical Modeling"
Tae-Hyuk Ahn, Ph.D. has 24 from R repos:
  • MegaR (9 ) megaR: An Interactive R Package for Metagenomic Sample Classification and Disease Prediction using Microbiota and Machine Learning
  • LONGO (7 ) Gene Length-Dependent Expression Analysis Tool in Neuronal Cells
  • iCAT (6 ) iCAT: Immune Cells Analysis software Tool
Tychele Turner has 22 from R repos:
  • ElGenomaPequeno (7 ) El genoma pequeño - analysis workflow for "the little genome." This repository holds a computational workflow to analyze the mitochondrial genome.
  • plot-protein (6 ) Plot Protein: Visualization of Mutations
  • plot-protein-with-conservation (4 ) Plot Protein: Visualization of Mutations with Conservation
Scott Lewis has 21 from R repos:
  • ExpressionDB (17 ) App for hosting gene expression/ontology data with Shiny
  • Circa-in-Silico (2 ) Application for generating "in silico" circadian rhythms
  • CKDapp (1 ) chronic kidney disease data set
Branson Fox has 17 from R repos:
  • hl7r (9 ) An HL7 Parser for R
  • stlvacancy (5 ) A reproducible dataset for estimating vacancy in the City of St. Louis
  • stlapi (1 ) A REST API for Various St Louis Data
Nathaniel G. Mahieu has 17 from R repos:
  • mz.unity (14 ) mz.unity is an R package for detecting and exploring complex relationships in accurate-mass mass spectrometry data
  • warpgroup (3 ) The warpgroup algorithm takes multiple LC/MS samples and determines: 1. Segregation of those peaks into compound groups; 2. Per-group consensus integration bounds; 3. Integration bounds for samples in which no peak was detected.
  • codeshare (0 ) Code I'm working on and sharing with people.
Brent Lab has 16 from R repos:
  • NetProphet_2.0 (13 ) A “data light” TF-network mapping algorithm using only gene expression and genome sequence data.
  • NetProphet_3.0 (2 ) (No description)
  • GOeval (1 ) Gene Regulatory Network Evaluation Using Gene Ontology
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center has 14 from R repos:
  • pcvr (4 ) R functions for use with plantCV output
  • brachypodium-heat-drought-paper (2 ) PlantCV python scripts for image analysis; R scripts for data filtering, organizing, and analysis; shell scripts for SNP calling and population structure estimation; input data files for all analyses
  • diel-explorer (1 ) Gehan Lab shiny app to graph JTK Cycle Output
The McDonnell Genome Institute has 14 from R repos:
  • r-cran-ggplot2 (2 ) Unofficial repo for software vendoring or packaging purposes
  • CummeRbund (2 ) Unofficial repo for software vendoring or packaging purposes
  • r-bioc-biostrings (1 ) Unofficial repo for software vendoring or packaging purposes
Margi Sant has 13 from R repos:
  • Telecommunications-Customer-Attrition-Dashboard (9 ) A dynamic dashboard for a telecommunications company to analyze customer attrition rates according to demographic filters.
  • KNN-Classifier-R-Bremen-Challenge (1 ) Using K Nearest Neighbors in R to classify athletic movements.
  • Data-Mining-R-Bremen-Challenge (1 ) Create_data_SD iterates csv files containing sensor data for a movement. It extracts 3 standard deviations for each sensor. Then, combines the train_data and features in sd_training_data.csv to be used to build classification models. Create_Test_SD combines challenge.csv and sd features in the sd_testing_data.csv. Sensor files download on website
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