153 TeX users in St. Louis
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Roman Garnett has 83 from TeX repos:
Rob Williams has 18 from TeX repos:
- Job-Market (11 ) Academic job market template
- UNC-Dissertation-Template (6 ) Updated LaTeX template for UNC dissertations based on Björn Brandenburg's template
- Teaching (1 ) Document templates and useful scripts for teaching
Rebecca Skinner has 16 from TeX repos:
- presentations (16 ) Presentations.
- beamertheme-bjeldbak (0 ) A simple, minimalistic Beamer theme to keep eyes on the content
- beamercolorthemesolarized (0 ) Beamer color theme using the Solarized palette
Shuhao Cao has 13 from TeX repos:
- copilot-funny-demos (13 ) Writing a fake paper? Chat about math? GitHub copilot can do lots of things...
W. Michael Shirk has 9 from TeX repos:
Miao Cai has 7 from TeX repos:
- ChineseCV (6 ) 蔡苗的中文学术简历
- EnglishCV (1 ) My English academic CV
- MiaoTemplates (0 ) (No description)
David Fleming has 7 from TeX repos:
Liang-Bo Wang has 5 from TeX repos:
- wustl-latex-dissertation-template (3 ) LaTeX disseration and thesis template for The Graduate School at Washington University in St. Louis.
- phd-thesis (2 ) My PhD dissertation at Washington University in St. Louis
- cv (0 ) My CV
Cghlewis has 4 from TeX repos:
- simple-resume (4 ) simplified version of resume using vitae package
Gregory Brunner has 3 from TeX repos:
- tex-cv (3 ) The CV template that I've been using for almost 10 years!
- PAHFIT_MAP (0 ) This folder contains the PAHFIT mapping tools that I created as a Spitzer Visiting Graduate Student Fellow and results for M51 and other galaxies
Masaki Tanaka has 3 from TeX repos:
- Latex-Beamer-Template (3 ) My template for LaTeX's Beamer class. Please feel free to use this template.
- Fictitious (0 ) Matching Pennies ゲーム
- envelope (0 ) 包絡線定理作図
Bryan Clair has 3 from TeX repos:
- book-test (3 ) Model book to work on bookdown functionality.
Robert Marshall Murphy has 2 from TeX repos:
- AnalysisTextbook (2 ) A textbook for an accelerated mathematics class written in LaTeX
- APEXCalculus_Source (0 ) Source files for the APEX Calculus text
Charles Du has 2 from TeX repos:
- academic-kickstart (2 ) (No description)
Joseph McMullen has 2 from TeX repos:
- lauds-notated (1 ) Lauds of the Roman rite antecedent to the reforms of Pius X
- tenebrae (1 ) The Offices of Tenebrae in the old Roman rite with chant notation and English translation
- completorium (0 ) Compline of the Roman rite antecedent to the reforms of Pius X in Latin and English without chant.
Michael Tobler has 2 from TeX repos:
- primer-of-evolution (2 ) Primer of Evolution
Michael J. Schultz has 2 from TeX repos:
- mjschultz.github.com (2 ) My Personal Website (using jekyll)
Michael T Schmidt has 2 from TeX repos:
- Physicae-Mathematica (2 ) A rigorous formulation of mathematics and physics.
- website (0 ) This is my resume and website which both pull from a json file with structured data relevant to both. When I update the json file both the website and resume reflect those changes.
Saint Louis University - Quantiative Analysis for Sociology has 2 from TeX repos:
- syllabus (1 ) Course syllabus
- lecture-01 (1 ) Course Introduction
- lecture-15 (0 ) ANOVA
Steven Wong has 2 from TeX repos:
- VE477 (2 ) Algorithm analysis & implementation in C/Python3
Austin Hester has 1 from TeX repos:
- PerceptronPy (1 ) (Python) Perceptron Learning Algorithm
- resume (0 ) (TeX) My resume
- LinearRegressionRidge (0 ) (Python) Linear Regression with Ridge Regression
Hudanyun Sheng has 1 from TeX repos:
- course_DigitalSignalProcessing (1 ) course materials and for Digital Signal Processing
- course_ImageProcessingComputerVision (0 ) course materials for Image Processing and Computer Vision
Dave Larson has 1 from TeX repos:
- binomial_filter (1 ) Written description of the somatic binomial llr filter implemented in the GMS
Avinash R has 1 from TeX repos:
- simple-cv (1 ) A simple easily modifyable LaTeX documenclass to create academic CVs.
- avi-phd-thesis (0 ) My PhD dissertation at Washington University in St. Louis
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