1,507 CSS users in St. Louis
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Avdi Grimm has 223 from CSS repos:
- ppwm (222 ) A site to promote diverse pair-programming
- inch-pages (1 ) Jekyll Page generator for Inch Pages
Jared Forsyth has 121 from CSS repos:
- a-reason-react-tutorial (92 ) included code for A ReasonReact Tutorial
- hexium (25 ) (No description)
- type-systems-js-dev (2 ) (No description)
Strange Loop has 64 from CSS repos:
- StrangeLoop2015 (64 ) (No description)
Bryan Young has 54 from CSS repos:
- BootstrapModalPopover (54 ) (No description)
Kerrick Long has 42 from CSS repos:
- node-webkit-tomster-seed (42 ) Build desktop apps using Ember.js
- ember-cli.github.io (0 ) Our documentation site
- wire-foundation (0 ) A wireframe look for ZURB Foundation 5.
Sean Davis has 41 from CSS repos:
- _s-easy-digital-downloads (34 ) The Underscores (_s) Starter Theme tweaked and integrated with Easy Digital Downloads
- enterprise-lite (6 ) This is the wordpress.org version of the Enterprise theme by BuildWPYourself.com
- presentation-lite (1 ) Free WordPress Theme - this is the base version available for download on wordpress.org. The full version supports bbPress and Easy Digital Downloads as well as more features and color schemes. Check out the full version.
Felipe has 38 from CSS repos:
- pro-democracy (38 ) Aplicações pró-democráticas.
Matthew Reichardt has 37 from CSS repos:
- Crypti (34 ) A minimal bitcoin price desktop widget
- twitter-trends (3 ) A nifty tool to search for trending data against a query.
- mod_newtab_clock (0 ) new tab page module
Jordan Lev has 36 from CSS repos:
- grid (36 ) A simple guide to responsive design.
- jordanlev_com (0 ) Personal website
- starter-html-css (0 ) (No description)
Neil Kistner has 34 from CSS repos:
- atom-seti-icons (33 ) The awesome icons provided by Seti UI theme.
- x-imdb (1 ) A Polymer element to query and display IMDB information.
- seti-ui (0 ) A subtle dark colored UI theme for Atom.
OCI Labs - Object Computing, Inc. has 32 from CSS repos:
- pdfjs-dist-viewer-min (32 ) Minified build of PDF.js library including the viewer.
Chris Oliver has 25 from CSS repos:
- betterminitest.com (21 ) Learn how to write better Minitest tests
- landing (4 ) My new website landing page
- yeast (0 ) (No description)
Siddique Hameed has 25 from CSS repos:
- angular-quiz-app (20 ) Sample app demonstrating AngularJS features
- bootstrap-calendar (5 ) A simple calendar plugin for Bootstrap
- jekyllthemes (0 ) A directory of the best-looking themes for Jekyll blogs
Brian Hicks has 20 from CSS repos:
- spacemacs-rocks (19 ) A tip blog!
- lingo (1 ) Prototype language-learning tool
- elmtown.github.io (0 ) (No description)
1905 New Media has 18 from CSS repos:
- bonestrap (17 ) The perfect marriage of Bones theme & Boostrap 3
- woostrap (1 ) WooCommerce Bootstrap Theme
- Efeqdev-Bones (0 ) Bones Wordpress Starter theme with bones offsets, hidden/visible classes as well as @2x _mixin, multiple apple touch icons added. Gettin' custom, yo.
Bullhorn has 16 from CSS repos:
- rest-api-example-bullhornjs (8 ) An example app using the bullhornjs library
- rest-api-example-angular (8 ) An AngularJS example for using Bullhorn's REST API
Jeff Scott Brown has 16 from CSS repos:
- langdemo (9 ) (No description)
- ggtesting (5 ) (No description)
- grailsstruts (1 ) (No description)
Chaehong Lee has 15 from CSS repos:
- Style-Transfer-for-Headshot-Portraits (15 ) Python implementation of YiChang Shih's "Style Transfer for Headshots Portraits" [http://www.connellybarnes.com/work/publications/2014_portrait.pdf]
James Carr has 14 from CSS repos:
- coffeescript-express-app (14 ) Example app that serves as a skeleton for coffeescript based node.js apps.
- mowhiskeyclub (0 ) (No description)
- gokarna (0 ) A minimal opinionated theme for Hugo
Mikey Lombardi (He/Him) has 13 from CSS repos:
- mkdocs-psinder (13 ) A clean, responsive PowerShell flavored MkDocs theme - forked from Cinder
Spencer Schneidenbach has 13 from CSS repos:
- OpinionatedMaintainableRestAPIsWithAspNetCore (5 ) Slides + links for my presentation, An Opinionated, Maintainable REST API Architecture for ASP.NET Core
- ImmutableDataStructuresInCSharpAndDotNet (4 ) Repo for my talk, Immutable Data Structures in C# and .NET
- VersioningAndMaintainingYourRestApiInAspNetCore (2 ) Versioning and Maintaining Your REST API in ASP.NET Core
Andy Leverenz has 11 from CSS repos:
- graphql_fun_frontend_demo (3 ) Part 2 of How to use GraphQL with Ruby on Rails
- diy_dropdowns (2 ) DIY Dropdown Demo
- web-crunch-html-to-wp-start (2 ) The free HTML theme available to download and follow along as we convert it to a WordPress theme.
Shawn Presser has 11 from CSS repos:
- website (10 ) The code that runs my blog: https://blog.gpt4.org/
- shawwn.github.io (1 ) (No description)
- bulma (0 ) Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Mike McBride has 10 from CSS repos:
- github-2016-syntax (4 ) **DEPRECATED** - GitHub syntax highlighting for Atom
- flexbox-mixins (3 ) Flexbox made easy - *no longer supported*
- early-riser-syntax (1 ) A light syntax theme for Atom, great for daytime or outside coding sessions.
Matt Rea has 10 from CSS repos:
- token-demo-src (9 ) This repo demonstrates a simple design automation workflow that handles design tokens, their transformation to css vars, and pushing updated css files to another project repo.
- stencil-storybook-token-demo (1 ) This is a companion project to token-demo-src, an example design token build pipeline. This repo contains a sample component built in Stencil documented in Storybook that consumes design token pipeline outputs (css variables) for a themeable button component.
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