3,205 HTML users in St. Louis
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Jeff Geerling has 2,410 from HTML repos:
- raspberry-pi-pcie-devices (1,684 ) Raspberry Pi PCI Express device compatibility database
- kubernetes-101 (569 ) Kubernetes 101 - by Jeff Geerling
- ansible-collection-k8s (57 ) Collection of Kubernetes automation tools for Ansible
Chris Oliver has 1,245 from HTML repos:
- gorails-app-template (1,202 ) Easily jumpstart a new Rails application with a bunch of great features by default
- railshackathon.com (19 ) The RailsHackathon.com website
- israilsdead.com (10 ) It's pretty self explanatory I think
Siddique Hameed has 790 from HTML repos:
- angular-timer (789 ) re-usable/inter-operable AngularJS timer directive ⛺
- simplify-node-server (1 ) Simplify SDK on Heroku node instance
- hosted-payment-sim (0 ) (No description)
Andy Leverenz has 749 from HTML repos:
- tumblrboilerplate (334 ) Tumblr Boiler Plate Theme
- kickoff_tailwind (281 ) A rapid Rails 6 application template for personal use bundled with Tailwind CSS
- kickoff (43 ) A Ruby on Rails Application starter template for screencasts featured on Web-Crunch.com
Jared Forsyth has 430 from HTML repos:
- rxvision (426 ) visualizer debugger for reactive streams
- naturalearth-mirror (2 ) A mirror for 110m naturalearth data, easily loadable from e.g. observablehq
- real-world-react-debugging (1 ) (No description)
Cghlewis has 249 from HTML repos:
- data-wrangling-functions (179 ) Functions used for wrangling education research data
- data-mgmt-ed-research-book (38 ) (No description)
- codebook-pkg-comparison (15 ) (No description)
Ben Vierck has 184 from HTML repos:
- sysinternals-source (184 ) (No description)
Mark Volkmann has 126 from HTML repos:
- Clojure-Article (57 ) A long article about the Clojure programming language
- todo-es6 (53 ) simple Todo application written using ES6 (using Traceur) and AngularJS
- svelte-native-components (4 ) (No description)
Jake Coffman has 115 from HTML repos:
- go-angular-tutorial (113 ) source code for video tutorial series
- stldevs-frontend (2 ) deprecated, see https://github.com/jakecoffman/stldevs-vue
- docketscrape (0 ) A program that scrapes Missouri Case.Net dockets
Chris Prener has 92 from HTML repos:
- areal (87 ) R package for areal interpolation
- SSDSBook (2 ) Sociospatial Data Science Book
- STL_CRIME_Belmar (1 ) Replication of Map in Chief Belmar's Plan for City-County Police Merger
Tim Peterson has 71 from HTML repos:
- videojs-playlist (71 ) A plugin to play multiple audio tracks or multiple videos.
- healthspan.dev-website (0 ) healthspan.dev website
- lab.timrpeterson (0 ) http://lab.timrpeterson.com
Kit Menke has 67 from HTML repos:
- sputility (67 ) A JavaScript library used to make modifications to SharePoint's list forms (NewForm.aspx and EditForm.aspx in a survey, custom list or library).
Liang-Bo Wang has 64 from HTML repos:
- 2015Talk-Chinese-Search (44 ) (No description)
- pyapac_code_fighter (5 ) PyCon APAC 2015 Code Fighter online judge system @Day2 Night Party
- play_aiohttp (5 ) Play aiohttp and asyncio
The McDonnell Genome Institute has 63 from HTML repos:
- bfx-workshop (63 ) A course on genomics and bioinformatics from WU
- gmt-site (0 ) Jekyll site for Genome Modeling Tools
David Ortinau has 47 from HTML repos:
- build2017-new-in-xamarin-forms (47 ) Weather demo showing Xamarin.Forms embedded in Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and UWP non-Xamarin.Forms applications.
Rob Williams has 46 from HTML repos:
- jayrobwilliams.github.io (46 ) Github Pages template for academic personal websites, forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
- Class-Site (0 ) (No description)
- 2021-06-16-geospatial (0 ) (No description)
Strange Loop has 39 from HTML repos:
- lambdajam2013 (39 ) Lambda Jam 2013
Jacob Wasilkowski has 34 from HTML repos:
- esri-experiments (28 ) Fly in space and look across the sea: demos and experiments with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript
- esri-svelte-basemaps-example (5 ) An example Svelte application that shows how to use esri-loader to create a custom <EsriMapView> component.
- esri-riot-example (1 ) An example Riot application that shows how to use esri-loader to create a custom <esri-map-view> component.
Phil Cryer has 34 from HTML repos:
- ebay-listing-templates (31 ) A set of ebay listing templates in bootstrap
- lowf.at (2 ) If you don't know I'm not going to tell you.
- recruiter-replies (1 ) A static one page website that includes canned recruiter replies to make your life easier.
Ken Sipe has 32 from HTML repos:
- ckad-labs (20 ) (No description)
- docker-workshop (12 ) docker + mesos workshop initially created for jfokus 2015 Stockholm FTW
- kensipe.github.io (0 ) Ken's Blog
Dylan Hassinger has 30 from HTML repos:
- tailwind-boilerplate (29 ) minimal but configurable Tailwind CSS playground
- responsive-typography-demo (1 ) Simple demo showing scalable responsive typography using rem and em units
- css-grid-demo (0 ) Simple demo of CSS Grid capability
Tim Holy has 30 from HTML repos:
- FastAnonymous.jl (30 ) Fast "anonymous functions" for Julia
Ashkan Mirzaee has 27 from HTML repos:
- pandoc-bootstrap (25 ) Application for converting Markdown files into bootstrap styled HTML pages by Pandoc.
- ashki23.github.io (2 ) My personal website
- shell-novice (0 ) The Unix Shell
Scott Handley has 27 from HTML repos:
- Microbiome-Analysis-Using-R (27 ) Microbiome Analysis Using R Workshop originally organized for the 2018 ASM General Meeting in Atlanta, GA, but regularly updated since.
- WNV-antibiotics (0 ) West Nile Virus Infection in mice treated with vehicle or various antibiotics: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29590614
- human_volunteer_rotabiome (0 ) Analysis of 16S rRNA (dada2 amplicon sequence variants) from human volunteers given various vaccines following two different antibiotics treatments compared to no antibiotics.
Maritz has 26 from HTML repos:
- mtz-wizard (9 ) All of the elements required to implement a stepper controlled series of forms that support lazy-loading steps upon activation as well as validation and bulk submission tasks.
- mtz-update-password (4 ) An element for validating a password matches all requirements before updating.
- mtz-marked-editor (4 ) Extends a textarea that can be controlled by UI elements for inserting markdown
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