1,985 Java users in St. Louis
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Jeff Heaton has 2,039 from Java repos:
- aifh (947 ) Artificial Intelligence for Humans
- encog-java-core (745 ) (No description)
- encog-java-examples (161 ) (No description)
Mark Heckler has 342 from Java repos:
- building-reactive-pipelines (44 ) Reactive Spring Cloud Stream projects to accompany my session "Building Reactive Pipelines"
- drinking-from-the-stream (43 ) Spring Cloud Stream Java projects to accompany my session titled Drinking from the Stream
- spring-into-kotlin (18 ) Repository (with multiple branches) that accompanies my session "Springing into Kotlin"
Addison Elliott has 160 from Java repos:
- SegmentedButton (150 ) Segmented Control/Button with animation for Android API 16+
- SmartShopApp (4 ) SmartShop is a home inventory management system created by a group of engineers in a senior design group at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE). The design was created over the Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 academic period. The application uses Android Studio and Java to create an Android app for users to interact with the SmartShop system wirelessly.
- RippleDrawable (3 ) Ripple effect for Android 16+
Enliven has 137 from Java repos:
- teamcity-slack (137 ) Configurable TeamCity notifier plugin for Slack.
Andrew Dillon has 99 from Java repos:
- JRPiCam (92 ) Java API to access Raspberry Pi Camera
- Picasso (3 ) A JavaFX Side Scrolling Game
- pc-lejos-rc (1 ) This program should be run on a PC. It allows the PC to control a Lego EV3 (running LeJOS) via a Bluetooth connection.
Mike Menne has 98 from Java repos:
- hackerrank-templates (68 ) Quick templates you can throw code in during a HackerRank challenge
- launchcode-java-class (26 ) Problem sets for mastering Java
- summer-scjp (1 ) Examples preparing for the SCJP exam
Ray Myers has 89 from Java repos:
- JHaml (82 ) Haml (XHTML Abstraction Markup Language) implementation in Java.
- MPC-Lib (2 ) Java library for reading and writing MPC1000 PGM files.
- java-coffeescript-extensions (1 ) Utilities for using coffeescript from Java
Bullhorn has 79 from Java repos:
- sdk-rest (36 ) A Bullhorn Platform SDK library. Intelligently access the Bullhorn REST API and Staffing Object Model in your Java-based application.
- starter-kit-spring-maven (24 ) A Bullhorn Platform SDK library. Quickly build Java-based applications, services and CRM extensions that consume the Bullhorn REST API.
- dataloader (12 ) A Bullhorn Platform SDK tool. Quickly import CSV data into your Bullhorn CRM.
Shantonu Sarker has 76 from Java repos:
- Automation-Getting-Started (45 ) This repository contains only getting started projects for different automation framework
- practice-projects (6 ) The projects that I do for regular practices.
- jmeter-novice-to-advance (5 ) Jmeter from Basic to advance
Siddique Hameed has 58 from Java repos:
- jgoogleanalytics (35 ) Google Analytics for Java applications
- scriptmonkey (17 ) Jumping beyond Java...
- mastering-android-wear (3 ) Mastering Android Wear
Alex Miller has 56 from Java repos:
- clojure-from-java (46 ) Example of creating a Java interface backed by Clojure
- zippers (8 ) Code for tree/zippers article
- clojure-maven-plugin (1 ) Apache Maven Mojo for compiling clojure scripts to class files
joe beuckman has 49 from Java repos:
- Android-SyncAdapter-JSON-Server-Example (44 ) Android SyncAdapter Sample for connecting to Drupal JSON Server
- cordova-plugin-geocoder (4 ) Simple implementation of iOS geocoding
- cncgcodecontroller (1 ) CNC-GCode-Controller
Ben Oberkfell has 43 from Java repos:
- android-fingerprint-demo (37 ) Android Fingerprint Authentication In Action
- sync-adapter-demo (5 ) Demo app and slides from my Droidcon SF 2016 talk.
- implicit-permission-demo (1 ) (No description)
James Carr has 40 from Java repos:
- spring-amqp-extras (12 ) Extras that complement spring-amqp
- gradle-jetty-h2 (7 ) Gradle project example that uses H2 in tcp mode, creates tables on startup, and uses JNDI lookups for the datasource
- stock-amqp-service-sample (2 ) Yet another sample application utilizing amqp
turtleisaac has 31 from Java repos:
- PokEditor-v2 (17 ) Multifunctional in-depth editor for Pokémon Gen 4 game data.
- PokEditor (13 ) Multifunctional in-depth editor for Pokémon Gen 4 and 5 game data
- Narctowl (1 ) Narc Unpacker and Packer for Nintendo DS Pokémon Games
Anthony Buchholz has 30 from Java repos:
- quiplash (30 ) Quiplash replacement
- credo-database-utils (0 ) Util scripts for doing things such as batch uploading csv's to
- credo-backend (0 ) (No description)
Heath Borders has 29 from Java repos:
- JavaInJava (16 ) A JVM implemented in 100% pure Java, ported from MaxineVM
- stealth-mountain (8 ) GAE App that searches twitter for "sneak peak" tweets and corrects the sender
- android-javascript-bridge-example (2 ) (No description)
Jessica Kerr has 28 from Java repos:
- fp4ood (17 ) Functional Principles For OO Development - presentations and sample code
- TelephoneGame (4 ) Let's play with speech recognition.
- cat-diary (3 ) A journal app for cats, yeah
Oasis Digital Solutions Inc. has 27 from Java repos:
- nges (15 ) Next Generation Event Store - An event store implemented as an embeddable Java library. Event persistence in PostgreSQL, JGroups multicast hinting for immediate (and still strictly ordered) event delivery. An audacious name for a modest library.
- bazel-examples (10 ) Deprecated - see our other repos for Bazel examples
- nges-sample-tic-tac-toe (1 ) Sample web application for human versus human tic-tac-toe - example demonstrating Next Generation Event Store
Abdurrahim unsal has 26 from Java repos:
- Exercises (1 ) (No description)
- Coding (1 ) (No description)
- CodeExercises (1 ) (No description)
Brian Coyner has 26 from Java repos:
- Log4FIX-J (26 ) FIX (Financial Information Exchange) Message Parser/ Viewer (Java)
Matt Todd has 26 from Java repos:
- ScoreKeeper-Android (6 ) Android app for keeping score during various games (cards, dice, dominoes, etc)
- sqlite-orm (6 ) A SQLite ORM for android
- boardgame (3 ) java3d board game
Mitchell Skaggs has 26 from Java repos:
- fabric-diagonal-panes (7 ) Diagonal glass panes in Minecraft
- jvm-shared-memory (7 ) Shared memory access in the JVM
- java-mumble-link (5 ) MumbleLink Java API
Mark Ramach has 25 from Java repos:
- spring-boot-prototype-ansible (10 ) Spring Boot Prototype With Ansible Plugin Configuration
- vault-spring-boot-starter (9 ) Spring Vault Property Injection. Get started using Vault secret management.
- spring-boot-starter-consul (3 ) Spring Consul Property Injection. Get started using Consul's configuration management.
Joe Pritzel has 23 from Java repos:
- MoparClassic (4 ) An emulator for an old java MMORPG
- Mu (3 ) µ is a modular, extensible and performance conscious RSPS emulator.
- Java--How-to-Program-9th-Edition-Solutions (2 ) (No description)
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