651 Ruby users in St. Louis
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Chris Oliver has 7,369 from Ruby repos:
- noticed (2,394 ) Notifications for Ruby on Rails applications
- simple_calendar (1,559 ) A wonderfully simple calendar gem for Rails
- receipts (612 ) Easy receipts and invoices for your Ruby on Rails applications
Avdi Grimm has 2,856 from Ruby repos:
Tony Pitale has 1,175 from Ruby repos:
Gordon Thiesfeld has 876 from Ruby repos:
Andy Leverenz has 362 from Ruby repos:
- job_board (46 ) An Ruby on Rails based job board application based on a screencast for Web-Crunch.com.
- drag_and_drop_active_storage (44 ) A demo drag and drop image upldate Ruby on Rails app using Stimulus.js, DropZone.js, and ActiveStorage
- projekt (41 ) A demo project management app
Brad Urani has 235 from Ruby repos:
- pg-eyeballs (227 ) A Ruby gem for using the postgres explain command with Active Record :eyes:
- functional-ruby (3 ) An example of pure functional programming in Ruby using the Hamster library to solve Bloxorz
- hamster-matrix (2 ) Ruby gem providing a persistent immutable matrix with an interface matching Ruby's Matrix class. Built using the Hamster gem
Zach Schneider has 186 from Ruby repos:
- gitreports.com (134 ) Git Reports is a free service that lets you set up a stable URL for anonymous users to submit bugs and other Issues to your GitHub repositories.
- eqn (35 ) A gem to evaluate mathematical equations.
- rspec-blog-example (5 ) Rails blog application to show example code for my series on writing tests in rspec
Chris Schmich has 167 from Ruby repos:
- spicy-proton (100 ) Generate a random English adjective-noun word pair in Ruby
- kappa (33 ) The Twitch Ruby API
- unfollowerbot (7 ) Track Twitch follows & unfollows
Jessica Kerr has 152 from Ruby repos:
- fp4rd (106 ) Functional Principles for the Ruby Developer
- generatron (19 ) Ruby gem for random-data-generators you can build upon
- aqueductron (19 ) dataflow in Ruby
Kerrick Long has 126 from Ruby repos:
- google (117 ) This utility used the retiderd Google Web Search API. Please use `googler` instead:
- project-euler-ruby (5 ) My solutions to Project Euler problems in Ruby.
- tpp (3 ) Github repo of tpp, originally written by Andreas Krennmair <ak@synflood.at> and Nico Golde <nico@ngolde.de>.
BoochTek, LLC has 119 from Ruby repos:
- activerecord-repository (70 ) Implementation of the repository pattern for ActiveRecord, splitting domain model and persistence classes
- ruby_preserves (11 ) Minimalist ORM (object-relational mapper) for Ruby, using the Data Mapper pattern.
- virtus-activerecord (9 ) Use Virtus to define ActiveRecord model attributes.
Concordia Publishing House has 96 from Ruby repos:
- mdb (34 ) A library for reading Microsoft Access databases
- pdfjs-rails (33 ) A gem for plugging pdf.js into a Rails application
- errbit (13 ) The open source error catcher that's Airbrake API compliant
Matt Ruzicka has 83 from Ruby repos:
- evolvable (42 ) An evolutionary computation framework
- wordle_decoder (40 ) A Wordle decoder that guesses your guesses.
- evolvable_sound (1 ) this program uses humans and sounds to evolve music
Robert Rouse has 69 from Ruby repos:
- has_friends (69 ) Add friendship support to Rails apps with this plugin
Michael Kofron has 68 from Ruby repos:
- image2ascii (68 ) Convert images to custom ASCII art with code or from the command-line, turn GIFs into ASCII web animation
- golf (0 ) (No description)
- pyb (0 ) USDA Plants Rails API, 250,000+ common-name plants across 50 states
Asynchrony has 66 from Ruby repos:
- elastic-search-installer (12 ) Install elastic search for us
- image_science (10 ) Variant of ImageScience that does not require RubyInline
- grape-activerecord (5 ) Library to help deal with AR connection pools and add common db rake tasks for Grape API.
Bob Lail has 65 from Ruby repos:
- pericope (24 ) A simple Bible reference parser
- liquid_handlebars (4 ) Benchmarks that compare ERB, Liquid, and Handlebars.rb
- hayfork (4 ) Full-Text search for ActiveRecord and Postgres
James Carr has 64 from Ruby repos:
- nodejs-vagrant (12 ) A vagrant box configured for one of my node.js apps
- secure-docker-example (12 ) An example of securing docker's Remote API with client-side ssl!
- zend-skeleton (12 ) Simple Zend Framework 2 skeleton project with built in vagrant support
Aaron Sumner has 52 from Ruby repos:
- everyday_rails_rspec_rails_3_2 (42 ) Sample source code for Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec (Rails 3.2.x version)
- leanpub_analytics (3 ) Simple analytics for Leanpub sales and royalties
- leanpub-api (2 ) A simple Ruby wrapper for the Leanpub API
Michael Parrish has 49 from Ruby repos:
- json-schema_builder (28 ) Build JSON schemas with Ruby
- mongo_geo (11 ) A MongoMapper plugin that adds geospatial functionality.
- Congestion (6 ) Redis rate limiter that provides both time-based limits and quantity-based limits
The Able Few has 47 from Ruby repos:
- things-redmine (14 ) An appscript to sync Redmine and Things
- gnip-rules (5 ) Add, Remove and List your Gnip Rules
- goodyear (2 ) Adds ActiveRecord-like query interface for Tire models
John Aughey has 27 from Ruby repos:
- magtek (8 ) MagTek magnetic card reader software for Linux
- iwantsandy (4 ) Rails clone of iwantsandy
- thinking-sphinx (4 ) Sphinx plugin for Rails and Merb (Adding sqlite3 support)
kenny has 27 from Ruby repos:
- rails (3 ) Ruby on Rails
- webrat (3 ) Webrat - Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
- active_scaffold_demo (2 ) The demo application for active scaffold
Craig Buchek has 26 from Ruby repos:
- rails-base (10 ) Bare Rails application, including several common plugins and other additions; a repository of (some) Rails "best practices"
- json_rails_templates (2 ) Rails view handler for easily generating JSON from view templates
- rom-roda (2 ) ROM and Roda integration
Mario Aquino has 26 from Ruby repos:
- railsmacro (6 ) JEdit macro for navigating between related files in a Rails project
- vending (4 ) Lambda Lounge Vending Machine
- pomodori (2 ) Little widget for your daily pomodoro practice
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