
647 Ruby users in St. Louis

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Chris Oliver has 6,695 from Ruby repos:
  • noticed (2,362 ) Notifications for Ruby on Rails applications
  • simple_calendar (1,544 ) A wonderfully simple calendar gem for Rails
  • receipts (602 ) Easy receipts and invoices for your Ruby on Rails applications
Avdi Grimm has 2,856 from Ruby repos:
  • naught (1,049 ) A toolkit for building Null Object classes in Ruby
  • quarto (469 ) (No description)
  • sbpprb (456 ) Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns in Ruby
Tony Pitale has 1,174 from Ruby repos:
  • legato (402 ) Google Analytics Reporting API Client for Ruby
  • staccato (389 ) Ruby library to perform server-side tracking into the official Google Analytics Measurement Protocol
  • mail_room (194 ) Forward mail from gmail IMAP to a callback URL or job worker, simply.
Gordon Thiesfeld has 876 from Ruby repos:
  • pik (830 ) Ruby version manager for Windows
  • ruby-wmi (19 ) ruby-wmi, WMI queries with an ActiveRecord style interface
  • tinted (6 ) win32console replacement
Andy Leverenz has 362 from Ruby repos:
  • job_board (46 ) An Ruby on Rails based job board application based on a screencast for
  • drag_and_drop_active_storage (44 ) A demo drag and drop image upldate Ruby on Rails app using Stimulus.js, DropZone.js, and ActiveStorage
  • projekt (41 ) A demo project management app
Brad Urani has 235 from Ruby repos:
  • pg-eyeballs (227 ) A Ruby gem for using the postgres explain command with Active Record :eyes:
  • functional-ruby (3 ) An example of pure functional programming in Ruby using the Hamster library to solve Bloxorz
  • hamster-matrix (2 ) Ruby gem providing a persistent immutable matrix with an interface matching Ruby's Matrix class. Built using the Hamster gem
Zach Schneider has 186 from Ruby repos:
  • (134 ) Git Reports is a free service that lets you set up a stable URL for anonymous users to submit bugs and other Issues to your GitHub repositories.
  • eqn (35 ) A gem to evaluate mathematical equations.
  • rspec-blog-example (5 ) Rails blog application to show example code for my series on writing tests in rspec
Chris Schmich has 165 from Ruby repos:
  • spicy-proton (98 ) Generate a random English adjective-noun word pair in Ruby
  • kappa (33 ) The Twitch Ruby API
  • unfollowerbot (7 ) Track Twitch follows & unfollows
Jessica Kerr has 152 from Ruby repos:
  • fp4rd (106 ) Functional Principles for the Ruby Developer
  • aqueductron (19 ) dataflow in Ruby
  • generatron (19 ) Ruby gem for random-data-generators you can build upon
Kerrick Long has 126 from Ruby repos:
  • google (117 ) This utility used the retiderd Google Web Search API. Please use `googler` instead:
  • project-euler-ruby (5 ) My solutions to Project Euler problems in Ruby.
  • tpp (3 ) Github repo of tpp, originally written by Andreas Krennmair <> and Nico Golde <>.
BoochTek, LLC has 119 from Ruby repos:
  • activerecord-repository (70 ) Implementation of the repository pattern for ActiveRecord, splitting domain model and persistence classes
  • ruby_preserves (11 ) Minimalist ORM (object-relational mapper) for Ruby, using the Data Mapper pattern.
  • virtus-activerecord (9 ) Use Virtus to define ActiveRecord model attributes.
Concordia Publishing House has 96 from Ruby repos:
  • mdb (34 ) A library for reading Microsoft Access databases
  • pdfjs-rails (33 ) A gem for plugging pdf.js into a Rails application
  • errbit (13 ) The open source error catcher that's Airbrake API compliant
Matt Ruzicka has 83 from Ruby repos:
  • evolvable (42 ) An evolutionary computation framework
  • wordle_decoder (40 ) A Wordle decoder that guesses your guesses.
  • evolvable_sound (1 ) this program uses humans and sounds to evolve music
Robert Rouse has 69 from Ruby repos:
  • has_friends (69 ) Add friendship support to Rails apps with this plugin
Michael Kofron has 68 from Ruby repos:
  • image2ascii (68 ) Convert images to custom ASCII art with code or from the command-line, turn GIFs into ASCII web animation
  • golf (0 ) (No description)
  • pyb (0 ) USDA Plants Rails API, 250,000+ common-name plants across 50 states
Asynchrony has 66 from Ruby repos:
Bob Lail has 65 from Ruby repos:
  • pericope (24 ) A simple Bible reference parser
  • hayfork (4 ) Full-Text search for ActiveRecord and Postgres
  • liquid_handlebars (4 ) Benchmarks that compare ERB, Liquid, and Handlebars.rb
James Carr has 64 from Ruby repos:
  • secure-docker-example (12 ) An example of securing docker's Remote API with client-side ssl!
  • zend-skeleton (12 ) Simple Zend Framework 2 skeleton project with built in vagrant support
  • nodejs-vagrant (12 ) A vagrant box configured for one of my node.js apps
Michael Parrish has 49 from Ruby repos:
  • json-schema_builder (28 ) Build JSON schemas with Ruby
  • mongo_geo (11 ) A MongoMapper plugin that adds geospatial functionality.
  • Congestion (6 ) Redis rate limiter that provides both time-based limits and quantity-based limits
The Able Few has 47 from Ruby repos:
  • things-redmine (14 ) An appscript to sync Redmine and Things
  • gnip-rules (5 ) Add, Remove and List your Gnip Rules
  • goodyear (2 ) Adds ActiveRecord-like query interface for Tire models
John Aughey has 27 from Ruby repos:
  • magtek (8 ) MagTek magnetic card reader software for Linux
  • thinking-sphinx (4 ) Sphinx plugin for Rails and Merb (Adding sqlite3 support)
  • iwantsandy (4 ) Rails clone of iwantsandy
kenny has 27 from Ruby repos:
  • webrat (3 ) Webrat - Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
  • rails (3 ) Ruby on Rails
  • active_scaffold_demo (2 ) The demo application for active scaffold
Craig Buchek has 26 from Ruby repos:
  • rails-base (10 ) Bare Rails application, including several common plugins and other additions; a repository of (some) Rails "best practices"
  • json_rails_templates (2 ) Rails view handler for easily generating JSON from view templates
  • rom-roda (2 ) ROM and Roda integration
Mario Aquino has 26 from Ruby repos:
  • railsmacro (6 ) JEdit macro for navigating between related files in a Rails project
  • vending (4 ) Lambda Lounge Vending Machine
  • google-spreadsheet-ruby (2 ) Ruby library to read/write Google Spreadsheet
Adam Coffman has 25 from Ruby repos:
  • indexmarks (11 ) Small Local Server and Chrome Extension to Enable Indexed Full Text Search Of Your Bookmarked Pages
  • rapleaf_api (5 ) This ruby gem will serve as an interface to Rapleaf's person and graph apis. Note that this library is not maintained by or affiliated with Rapleaf in any way and you will still need a (free) api key from Rapleaf to use this.
  • dvd_scrape (5 ) Fetches a CSV file containing DVD information from the web, parses it, saves it to a database, and scrapes the web for cover art.
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