3,417 JavaScript users in St. Louis
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Chris Schmich has 5,474 from JavaScript repos:
- instascan (2,984 ) HTML5 QR code scanner using your webcam
- marinara (2,423 ) Pomodoro® time management assistant for Chrome
- connect-browser-sync (16 ) Connect middleware for BrowserSync
Jeff Barczewski has 5,058 from JavaScript repos:
- wait-on (1,893 ) wait-on is a cross-platform command line utility and Node.js API which will wait for files, ports, sockets, and http(s) resources to become available
- redux-logic (1,804 ) Redux middleware for organizing all your business logic. Intercept actions and perform async processing.
- bench-rest (304 ) bench-rest - benchmark REST (HTTP/HTTPS) API's. node.js client module for easy load testing / benchmarking REST API's using a simple structure/DSL can create REST flows with setup and teardown and returns (measured) metrics.
Jared Forsyth has 4,575 from JavaScript repos:
- hexo-admin (1,778 ) An Admin Interface for Hexo
- treed (1,712 ) Powerful Tree Editor
- github-issues-viewer (239 ) A gitub issues viewer build in react + backbone
Chris Oliver has 1,828 from JavaScript repos:
- tailwindcss-stimulus-components (1,453 ) A set of StimulusJS components for TailwindCSS apps similar to Bootstrap JS components.
- esbuild-rails (183 ) Esbuild Rails plugin
- stimulus-slimselect (72 ) A Stimulus wrapper around SlimSelect
Andrew Dillon has 1,264 from JavaScript repos:
- js-visualizer-9000-client (1,113 ) A React app to interactively visualize JavaScript's Event Loop
- js-visualizer-9000-server (120 ) A NodeJS app that produces events to visualize JavaScript's Event Loop
- fontkit (22 ) An advanced font engine for Node and the browser
Gavin Rehkemper has 951 from JavaScript repos:
- github-csv-tools (686 ) Import and export GitHub issues via CSV
- csv-to-geojson (58 ) Convert a CSV to GeoJSON
- world-countries-centroids (36 ) Center points of world countries - CSV and GeoJSON
Travis Horn has 709 from JavaScript repos:
- fake-identity (417 ) Generate random identity objects including name, address, etc. This may be useful if you are trying to fill your application with random personal data.
- jquery-sessionTimeout (52 ) After a set amount of time, a dialog is shown to the user with the option to either log out now, or stay connected. If log out now is selected, the page is redirected to a logout URL. If stay connected is selected, a keep-alive URL is requested through AJAX. If no options is selected after another set amount of time, the page is automatically redirected to a timeout URL.
- npm-package-store (43 ) A web app that displays updates for your globally installed NPM modules.
James Carr has 579 from JavaScript repos:
- paynode (336 ) Mega library that includes various loadable modules for interacting with different payment gateways
- nodejs-amqp-example (61 ) Delicious example using Socket.IO to publish and receive messages over AMQP
- node-shopping-cart (35 ) (No description)
David Lynch has 518 from JavaScript repos:
- maphilight (492 ) jQuery plugin that adds highlighting to image maps
- firefox-sticky-containers (13 ) Firefox extention to make the current container "sticky" when opening a new tab
- diveintopython3 (4 ) [Mirror] Dive Into Python 3 online book
Jeff Geerling has 503 from JavaScript repos:
- temperature-monitor (282 ) Raspberry Pi-based home temperature monitoring network.
- obs-task-list-overlay (129 ) An HTML and Node.js-based task list overlay for OBS.
- final-cut-it-out (45 ) Automatic silence remover for Final Cut Pro X
Dustin Specker has 482 from JavaScript repos:
- generator-ng-poly (237 ) Yeoman generator for modular AngularJS apps with Gulp and optional Polymer support
- eslint-plugin-no-use-extend-native (56 ) ESLint plugin to prevent use of extended native objects
- dscript (35 ) Framework agnostic hyperscript
Jianshu Wang has 479 from JavaScript repos:
- VP-StableDiffusionBook (230 ) AI 作图知识库
- osiris-groupindexer (117 ) A set of plugins for project-osiris to index massive Telegram groups.
- node-tdlib (37 ) TDLib Binding with Telegram Bot API Reimplemention for Node.js
Gage has 368 from JavaScript repos:
- katana (361 ) 🚀 a powerful, open-source screenshot utility for macOS
- onyx (7 ) A Club Penguin server emulator written in Node.js
- AnimateASCII (0 ) (No description)
Mark Volkmann has 338 from JavaScript repos:
- svelte-and-sapper-in-action (55 ) (No description)
- svelte-todo (39 ) a simple Svelte-based todo app
- react-examples (36 ) examples of using the React web framework
joe beuckman has 277 from JavaScript repos:
- strapi-plugin-import-content (108 ) Import plugin for Strapi CMS
- drupal-client (32 ) Javascript client for Drupal Services
- TiBeacons-Example-App (30 ) Shows use of the TiBeacons module
Kerrick Long has 250 from JavaScript repos:
- readability-js (169 ) Since the original was abandoned to start a web service, I'm now going to attempt to maintain the JS+CSS portion
- Mostly-Harmless (53 ) A reddit extension for Google Chrome
- githabit (25 ) Use Github webhooks with HabitRPG!
Hayden Shively has 248 from JavaScript repos:
- Nantucket (190 ) Flash loan liquidation bot for compound.finance
- Compound-Liquidation-Bot (42 ) Uses Web3 with Cloudflare's HTTPS endpoint to monitor and liquidate accounts on compound.finance
- Cafe-Chi (16 ) Slow paced ETH-CHI arbitrage on Uniswap
1904labs has 232 from JavaScript repos:
- dom-to-image-more (230 ) Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas
- docker-ol-kit (1 ) ol-kit docker image
- flask-react-base (1 ) Flask application with react frontend
Jacob Wasilkowski has 211 from JavaScript repos:
- Leaflet.Canvas-Flowmap-Layer (143 ) A LeafletJS custom map layer for mapping the flow of objects, ideas, people, etc. with Bezier curves rendered on the HTML canvas.
- leaflet-experiments (20 ) Demos and experiments with LeafletJS
- ionic-esri-map (11 ) An Ionic app demonstrating how to use the Esri ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
Jeff Heaton has 196 from JavaScript repos:
- encog-javascript (196 ) Encog for Javascript.
Dustin L. Howett has 192 from JavaScript repos:
- spectre (192 ) https://ghostbin.com
Tom M has 155 from JavaScript repos:
- karma-spec-reporter (155 ) Karma reporter, that prints each executed spec to commandline (similar to mocha's spec reporter).
Dan has 144 from JavaScript repos:
- ComfyUI_LoRA_Sidebar (61 ) Fast, visual and customizable LoRA sidebar packed with features for ComfyUI
- ComfyUI_Prompt_Gallery (44 ) ComfyUI custom node that adds a quick and visual UI selector for building prompts to the sidebar.
- ComfyUI_Slider_Sidebar (39 ) Custom sidebar to make LoRA sliders (LECO) awesome in ComfyUI
Neil Kistner has 142 from JavaScript repos:
- redux-debounce (86 ) FSA-compliant middleware for Redux to debounce actions.
- babel-plugin-transform-react-stateless-component-name (32 ) Adds a display name to the stateless component in the React Dev Tools.
- eslint-plugin-wyze (9 ) My personal ESLint rules.
TypeCastException has 140 from JavaScript repos:
- AspNetRoleBasedSecurityExample (80 ) A Simple Example Implementation of Role-Based Identity Management in ASP.NET MVC 5
- AspNetExtendingIdentityRoles (40 ) (No description)
- AspNetEmailExample (8 ) (No description)
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